Do you like bless combat system?

      Do you like bless combat system?

      I'm korean player.
      To be honest

      This combat system give me a lot of doubts.

      I'm the mage. Why do I just stand and shoot the fire ball to enemy?

      So static so dull for pve though,
      Bless online has beautiful graphics and it drives me a.. real fantasy world.

      Btw, what's your opinion of bless combat?

      Now we're gonna talkin'
      자 우리 이제 얘기좀 해볼까
      • Bless_2016-02-09_22-38-00-83.png

        129.61 kB, 420×236, viewed 9 times
      First of all - welcome.

      Second of all - try to use existing threads:

      Combat. Anyone else feel it needs work?

      3rd - yes, the combat system needs to be improved, however in the current cycle of the games life it isn't going to happen or rather it will happen but not right now, later in the future when they implemented more content for the players as well as fixed some of their systems.

      Some improvements could be made faster than others (target locking for the action combat system or an improved tab targeting process) but the core won't change in the next couple of months if not years.