Adversting (For Guests and Members with less than 10 Posts only)
tamberleigh Corporal 3rd Class
- Member since Mar 12th 2014
Zazaaji -
That costume thing was extremely offtopic from censorhip. Make a new thread on it, I'll approve it.
HaxGamer -
whats going on here?!! share with me!!! D:<
Symeria -
I deleted my messages on your wall, just in case. Dont forget to tell me what do you think.
Symeria -
Hi Tamb, I found a video from the 2nd CBT, if you wanna see, send me you email, or look for Henrique Girundi from Brasil, on facebook, LOOKS AWESOME!
Zazaaji -
Thanks for the email you sent. I'm fairly sure you meant to send a PM, but I still got it regardless.