Bless Online - Paymodel

      Dokanix wrote:

      Pay 2 Play is dead, you need a huge fanbase (at least 500 000 monthly subscribers) to get profit.

      If you didn't include that part in the bracket you would now look like a total moron:…ion_numbers_and_it_looks/

      And, in contrast of the competitors, they actually often listen to the good ideas of their community and also fix issues quickly/transparently. That's what a good company can do with a P2P service.

      The problem, of course, is either having a potent investor who can help you out for the first months till your game would reach high enough subscription numbers to turn a profit or just having the already mentioned big fanbase.

      tl;dr: P2P is possible, but risky for a new 'name' in the market.
      P2P is possible, but risky for a new 'name' in the market.

      Exactly what i meant... World of Warcraft was made after Warcraft 3, TESO after TES series etc.

      Anyway, I hate P2P because I feel like I'm forced to play or I will waste money, I can't just have fun.
      There will usually be a core group of people who spend money regularly, but - from what little I remember from an article I read a few months ago - most income in the F2P games comes from people who spend bits and pieces every other month or so. Get enough of them spending a few bucks on reward bags and wheel spins and it all adds up. It's how Aeria did it, at any rate.

      Of course they're flat out crooks, and I'm so glad they're out of the PC games. They'd ruin anything they got their hands on.
      You don't need a huge fanbase for pay to play, you need loyal subscribers. Back when WoW first launched the devs were expecting to have maximum 300k subscribers, most likely 100k. They never expected WoW to become this popular and grow this much, but it's a different story.

      Yes it is a diffrent story. Look how much money did Blizzard spent on making WoW and compare it with TESO and SWTOR.
      + Blizzard didn't have much of a competition back then, while now we have tens if not hundreds of MMOs.
      I can see your point tho.
      If they go for f2p I hope they choose a f2p-model with optional subscriptions. The advantages of that model is that the cash shop in fremium games usually don't go overboard with items, the disadvantage is that you still would want to pay the subscription because there are things you miss out on if you don't pay the sub.
      Just remember. Its not a lie...if you believe it.
      Exactly, so long as Bless doesn't follow a Pay 2 Win method by adding some OP Items in CS. I'm fine with a subscription model like LoTR. But I'm still hoping they follow GW2s approach. Buy and Play method, with a cosmetic Cash Shop.

      One thing we can highly assume is that mounts wont be in the Cash Shop, since Bless is going to implement a "Capture/Train" your mount system. So I guess that's a plus.…iant-to-Fight-by-isabella
      All paymodels have their pros and cons. Personally I prefer B2P.

      All too many Free to Play's turn to Pay to Win to make money for comfort, and it scares me when good looking games like Bless decide on the full F2P model. Especially when you add in the PvP they've mentioned. You start getting $20.00 costume sets that add +50% Strength in the CS after a few bad months and its no longer fun for anyone. Its just free to "play".

      Are all F2P games like this? No. On the bright side, a good number of the more recent games that have either gone F2P or came out F2P have done a remarkably good job of staying away from P2W. I'm starting to warm up to the F2P model I think. Just stay the course.

      Like mentioned previously, I favor the B2P model like GW2. After the initial purchase its yours with no further purchases required. They don't rely so heavily on the CS that they need to put game breaking items into it. Its all cosmetics and fun items. They've been successful with the model, and from people I've talked too, it seems like B2P is popular. GW2 updates far faster with the B2P model then most F2P's I've played, and they aren't slowing down. (Even if the Living Story is meh, its still content.)

      Here's the bottom line though: If the game is good, it doesn't matter what paymodel it goes with. It will be successful. People will pay $15.00 a month, buy it for $60, or support it through the Cash Shop.

      Post was edited 3 times, last by “Red_Master” ().

      Red_Master wrote:

      Here's the bottom line though: If the game is good, it doesn't matter what paymodel it goes with. It will be successful. People will pay $15.00 a month, buy it for $60, or support it through the Cash Shop.

      True, however there is a difference in a long run:
      Subscription model will work as a start, however more and more people threat it as "obsolete", further is a good motivation to stop playing the game, which is not desired effect.
      Cash shop: you mentioned it too - there is a risk to end as P2W, with is total fail. If good designed, it can bring serious amount of income, having in mind the much larger player base, compared to P2P or B2P.
      B2P: For me this is the least desired option - I personally prefer to try it out before buying. Several games, which I was waiting for turned out to be total disaster - TESO is a good example.
      ESO had a 'free month' for a bit - don't know if they still do - but you had to first buy the game for around $60? Then pay $15 for the first month at the end of which, if you didn't want to keep it, they'd refund your $15. Ripoff. And I may have the amounts wrong.

      MerlinBG wrote:

      Dokanix wrote:

      Several games, which I was waiting for turned out to be total disaster - TESO is a good example.

      True that. But that's the time trial accounts come in handy, every P2P should have it.

      But many don't have I think? For TESO and Wildstar it's buy only, no trial, unless I have missed something?

      I don't know about TESO, since I lost interest in that train wreck after beta, but Wildstar offered trials in the forms of Guest Passes; all pre-orderer's got 3 passes. Then after release they gave some sites Guest Pass Keys to giveaway like Beta Keys. They give you one or two weeks of play time... there's a lot of players giving away Guest Passes still.

      ( Speaking of which, I myself have 3 Guest Passes for Wildstar that I'll never use so while we're on the topic if anyone's been wanting to try it out just poke me. )

      But I agree, more P2P and B2P games should offer trials. I only know of a handful that do.

      And Merlin, I was not thinking of long term at the time of writing my earlier post, and I must beat myself over the head for it. You are absolutely correct. The fear of P2W is strong in this one.

      Post was edited 3 times, last by “Red_Master” ().

      Squishy wrote:

      So everyone has been saying that Bless Online will be free to play, I couldn't find any articles confirming that.

      And in all honesty, I'm against a free to play model. I would rather have it like the GW2 model. Buy and Play.

      To me, free to play has a very high risk of becoming abused, depending on the company that hosts the game. To get a better feeling, I'll use the example of "Perfect World". Where literally, if you want to even see end-game content, you're forced to cash-shop, and I mean hardcore cash-shop. In short, it's a well known fact that people pay more in free to play games with a cash shop then in games with a subscription model <.< Hopefully Bless doesn't take that road.

      And I realllly really hope they don't even consider a Subscription model, as that model is sort of "Obsolete" in today's gaming world or it should be...which is why I'm sort of shocked that ESO is using that approach.

      I kinda agree with you. Im broke as nyerk but i`d rather pay for it and then play, and know it`s a game taken care off, without hacks and purple rainbows like that . Simply put , Like GuildWars2 . I am in for it.

      Dokanix wrote:

      Yeah, I would like B2P, but I'm pretty sure it will go freemium...

      At least let it start of B2P so early on in the game we won't have little turds with huge wallets P2W through the game.

      I like games that start off B2P or subscription and then become free eventually. Lets the die hard fans who would spend the (little bit of) money to buy the game get their fun in before some others who like to just download then make themselves OP.