Aeria Games to publish Bless in EU&NA

      I was hoping we could elevate the debate here a bit more than on the other channels and comments sections I have seen so far.

      First, let's be happy that BLESS got a EU/NA publisher so quickly, that means that we are potentially aiming at a release much sooner than what I thought it would be. Also, that probably means that the game will get published in EN and other europeans languages - meaning more players, more servers, more everything.

      Now about Aeria, I do not see the point of flaming and acting like kids with comments like "RIP" or "P2W".
      From all western publishers, they aren't the worse I think - I have played one of their games (no name here) and never had to complain. The only time I reached out to their customer support, I got an answer and a refund within a day or so. Anyway, not going to expand here but let's try to see the bright side rather than sentence this game to death upon an announcement - sounds too much like Minority Report to me... "We put you in jail now because one day you may do something bad".

      If the game is good, I will play it. So far I really enjoy the KR OBT and whether this game will be F2P or P2P, I will give it a shot. I am honestly more concerned about where the developers will take that game in the coming year than who the fuck is going to localise and publish it for us so we have a decent ping and do not have to patch files ourselves.

      Bless you all :D
      50$ premium membership get 50% more exp and 2 random box maybe u get a horse xD
      u want a shiny cat spend 100$

      u want reineinforce ur weapon u want make it stronge just pay only 20$
      each stone and u get stronger and u are Chuck The Pay2winner Norris

      oh and you a costum for ur char.? pay 50$ 7 days, or buy box 10 unit to
      get a permament dress unique looking for 10/30$ 25/55$

      we areia games love to make people happy
      • 1128818-13851661054383607-Jacob-Steinberg.jpg

        35.69 kB, 480×320, viewed 39 times
      Bless Online in Korea has a perfect F2P system which I would like to have in the western market and also this is unique chance for Aeria Games to show to the community that they care about the game like they did with Echo of Soul and don't repeat the same mistakes made by Trion with ArcheAge.

      Post was edited 1 time, last by “vegax87” ().

      vegax87 wrote:

      Bless Online in Korea has a perfect F2P system which I would like to have in the western market and also this is unique chance for Aeria Games to show to the community that they care about the game like they did with Echo of Soul and don't repeat the same mistakes made by Trion with ArcheAge.

      Agreed on the EoS part, they actually turned a grind-cashshop-fest into a legit and customer friendly F2P game. The thai / KR versions of the game were rough to people's wallet afaik.

      Neviana wrote:

      Would it be worth it to draft a community letter/initiative to send to Aeria Games echoing that sentiment Vega?

      Great idea!
      Well putting the publisher aside, let's look at base which lies in the current Bless KR version.

      Bless KR features 3 different shops
      1. Official Webstore:

        You purchase Lumena or Gems through that Webstore. You also purchase VIP Membership and special offers via this shop.
      2. Lumena Shop

        As the name suggest - you spend the Lumena/Gems in it. Currently it offers the following

        - Special offers like a Starter Package for beginners and packages which contain either production materials from crafting, gathering or pvp plus the respective currency tokens (the items which give you a certain amount of Honor Points, Adventure or Exploration Points). Also costumes and other things.
        - Class specific skill book containers which will give you skill books in various lvl ranges. Basically instead of spending gold you spend gems for your skill books. (Not worth it if you ask me)
        _ Pet/Mount/Servant and Taming related boxes which will give you a random blue pet/servant/mount at lvl 30 plus taming scrolls (I think that's it). There is no guarantee to have a skill on your pet so yeah...
        Also highend pets/mounts are available here right now.
        - Convenience Items like Peace Declaration, Order & Memory of Teleportation, Time Limited and unlimited Craft Tools, Skill Decks, Gambling Boxes for Items like Potions, etc.
      3. Flash Shop

        Flash Shop contains the p2w aspect of the game since they sold high lvl mats like Topaz in it. They limited it to 1 piece per high end material and reset it every month or at least several weeks. However they also sold 10 AP potions in it (again greatly limited to 5 maximum)

        They also put it some trash items like Potions, etc. for 3 to 10 Gems per Potion (not sure why they do it)

      To add the VIP services are differentiated between purple (best), blue (mid) and green (lowest) service.

      Purple grants you 120 Gems/Lumena per day, free transportation service (flight, gondola, etc.), the 5th skill deck, and 3 rows of inventory space.

      Blue grants you 80 Gems/Lumena per day, the 3 rows inventory space, and the 5th skill deck.

      Green get's you 60 Gems per day and 3 rows of inventory space.

      Now what we have to consider about Aeria is that they will likely shift the game towards p2w, most likely repeat the same mistakes Trion did with selling AP in the cash shop.

      The main questions here at the moment are:
      • completely f2p or f2p plus subscription (most likely both to get more money)
      • how will they handle the fact that you can earn gems via ingame quests and later on via royal quests. Neowiz already said they don't want to force players to pay for the game but want to encourage them via Convenience Items
      • right at this moment the gap between paying and non-paying users isn't as bad as some might think. However this gap can drastically increase with varying from the KR f2p+sub system right now for example if they introduce the AP potions to the regular shop or if they gonna put in production materials into the flash shop and don't limit the max. number of items you can buy.

      Well in summary the question is:

      Will Aeria continue the "pay for convenience" / "pay to advance a little faster" or will they change it to "paying is a necessity to advance" so "pay to win" in general.

      vegax87 wrote:

      Bless Online in Korea has a perfect F2P system which I would like to have in the western market and also this is unique chance for Aeria Games to show to the community that they care about the game like they did with Echo of Soul and don't repeat the same mistakes made by Trion with ArcheAge.

      Neviana wrote:

      Would it be worth it to draft a community letter/initiative to send to Aeria Games echoing that sentiment Vega?

      Well community letters may work. However it can easily go down the wrong way. It mainly depends on how much freedom Aeria has.

      Bigger publishers often have more rights to the game and the cash shop while smaller ones (and well I think Aeria isn't part of the bigger ones - my view here) mostly have the right to publish it and adjust only a few things.

      Post was edited 2 times, last by “Nito” ().

      I have got a really BAD experience with the AG company, when they killed DK Online, that was really a great games.. if they would have spent enough resources to fix it... it could have became the successor of Lineage 2 but... well. they killed it from nowhere...

      If they are going to publish it, i relaly hope that the contract is as a "publisher" only, so in this way they will not mess up all the other stuff they should NOT touch at all..

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |…north_america_and_europe/

      Some comments from dev who responded in reddit:


      Hey there guys,

      I was working at Aeria Games until very recently. To be honest, they have been trying to move away from P2W these last 2 years. Aura Kingdom and Echo of Soul cash shops are nowhere close to Shaiya for instance. Hopefully if they keep going that way we might get a non-P2W game for BLESS.

      That being said... "Not to mention, Aeria has some shit servers" => I agree, we used to complain a lot about the servers ourselves. Probably has to do with the choice of data centers to start with. They are working on changing that, fingers crossed to get that by the time BLESS is out.

      I was in charge of Monetization for Aura Kingdom.

      Thing that people don't realize is that teams change quite often. For instance, I only joined Aura Kingdom one year after the launch and got a lot of crap for what previous producers did.

      In any case, to answer your question: It depends. Some people do care a lot about the game they work on, and try their best to both reach their targets and keep the game afloat. Some others are just here to do their job, so they don't really care that much.

      On the bright side, Aeria has recently start paying much more attention to player experience, and by consequence "caring about the game" is slowly becoming a necessary thing for their producers, as opposed to it being "extra" work. On the downside... Well, once you have a reputation, shaking it off is very difficult (see all the comments here).

      I'm not saying this reputation wasn't deserved. Hell, I've been working on Shaiya for a short while, I know how P2W it gets. However, I know the new management is trying to change their direction for the better, and it sucks to see their efforts being attack due to what the previous guys did.

      Another thing that people fail to see is when they call on "greed". We aren't doing that out of "greed" - the company needs to make money in order to pay the servers, the employees and the external developers. What players don't see when they yell "THEY ARE KILLING THE GAME" is that most of the times we're trying to do exactly the opposite. If you make less money, your team becomes smaller. Your game starts to get less priority. Under a certain threshold, we have to close it. So no, we don't get anything (at my level) being greedy. We're simply trying to keep the best experience for the players who are here while not having to be forced to implement pay walls (instead often relying on the whales who buy the hated Mystery Box. We hate those too).

      We might actually see non p2w Bless. Lets just hope that they are doing it right this time.
      *grabs BryanFury and spins him around with Lupus vigor* It's HAPPENING!!!!!!!!


      You make some great points in your post. Thank you for compiling everything together for those of us who are unfamiliar with the current state of the cash shop. I think my original suggestion may have missed its mark. I personally wouldn't want Aeria to change anything, just have them understand that we do not want a cash shop overhaul. But, if they jack the price up on my costume items... me and Aeria will have words!


      I really really really hope that everything in your post is true.

      All in all, I just about peed myself with excitement at this announcement. I wonder if means we'll be getting translated lore soon *ponders* ... who do I have to bribe?
      Aeria will want it's pound of flesh - er, money - but ... while I'm not thrilled with Aeria I'm familiar with it. I'm just glad for the chance to play Bless sometime this decade - since I'm too lazy to get a Korean account and join you guys.

      I'm just surprised they were able to afford Bless after they shifted everything non-mobile off to the EU branch. Not that I've payed much attention to Aeria in the last year so who knows what changes they've made.

      Neviana wrote:

      *grabs BryanFury and spins him around with Lupus vigor* It's HAPPENING!!!!!!!!

      Definitelly, i know... but don't lay your guard down... we are speaking about Aeria... they murdered my dear DK Online.... sigh..

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |
      well Let's face it - Founder packages will happen to 100% so that's initial money for them.

      If they keep the premium system without the daily gems they could keep the 5th skill slot + the 3 inventory row expansions + the free travel + let's say increased maximum AP + increase AP regen to counter the missing Gems/day I think it would benefit both sides and encourage people to subscribe.

      About the cash shop - costumes will be expensive (they are expensive in KR so yeah) but if they introduce expensive but 100% safe costumes (without gambling boxes) I'm happy to pay for additional stuff like that.

      What's left are systems like the enchanting & item effect system which rely on gems mostly (enchanting can be done with gold, honor , exploration and adventure points too so that's that).

      Maybe if they add Gems as daily login reward or so would be a solution and adjust the price according to the amount of gems you get for daily login or so.

      If they would keep daily login rewards as they are in KR right now it would be a little dumb. I mean I'm not really satisfied to get production materials as login reward or so. Gems daily and big rewards after each 30 days of logins would be nice as well.
      IMPORTANT: An AeriaGames Senior Product Lead in charge of Bless is making an AMA about the western release of Bless Online:…_senior_product_lead_and/

      ask him whatever you like :D

      Post was edited 1 time, last by “vegax87” ().

      I wouldn't worry Nito... You often have very intelligent points and questions. Besides, there is still a TON up in the air right now. I think they have prepared themselves for the flood of questions. The main one being: "Are you making Bless P2W?"

      Also, it's time to start obsessively refreshing the NA/EU official page.