Hello. Anyone know how ranger skills works ? This class is focused on AoE damage or single target ?
Adversting (Guests only)
Single target or AoE
Ranger is mainly a single target class
Berserker is an AoE class
ranger is single target and more for pvp. Not really wanted in PvE dungeons later on.
ranger is single target and more for pvp. Not really wanted in PvE dungeons later on.
It's a boss killer, so world bosses, raid bosses and dungeon bosses is where the ranger will shine
Ranger baby! 4 more days!
Adversting (Guests only)
It's a boss killer, so world bosses, raid bosses and dungeon bosses is where the ranger will shine
I could definitely see a ranger for world and raid bosses but I don't see using ranger as a dps in regular dungeons it would probably just slow down the dungeon since they slow at clearing multiple mobs
I could definitely see a ranger for world and raid bosses but I don't see using ranger as a dps in regular dungeons it would probably just slow down the dungeon since they slow at clearing multiple mobs
You'll need the single target damage for bosses so a Ranger or a Mage
You'll need the single target damage for bosses so a Ranger or a Mage
So Mage isn't AoE either ?
I think mage is better for dungeons and zerker
So Mage isn't AoE either ?
As far as I'm aware mages have 1 AoE ability, however I haven't fully read through all the mage skills.
Adversting (Guests only)
I think mage is better for dungeons and zerker
Yeah possibly however Ranger's are going to have to run the dungeon as they will need the gear, from what I've played and seen mentioned elsewhere Rangers have the top single target damage in the game at the moment.
Yeah possibly however Ranger's are going to have to run the dungeon as they will need the gear, from what I've played and seen mentioned elsewhere Rangers have the top single target damage in the game at the moment.
Ye definitely agree with you there, they hit like trucks for single target
My 2c, when nobody is properly geared and stuff isn't a faceroll AoE-fest... The ranger will probably be highly practical in dungeon runs as you'll drop targets faster and actually survive. Later, when we're geared, experienced, etc etc and can face-roll with AoE, then the above scenarios where the AoE classes being in much higher demand start to appear.
Naturally that's also typically the point of the game where there's harder raid content and you always need single target damage for that sort of thing. IMO single target damage works in almost every situation. The single recurring situation I've seen is if a boss spawns a bunch of adds AND there's some sort of timer to kill said adds before bad things happen. Outside that situation, ST works great.
single target is always in demand, cause trash mobs (aoe) are the easy part of dungeons, while bosses (single target) is the longer, thats unless bosses have multiple targets, in which aoe does wonders, but have only seen two games doing this
Hopefully ranger isn't as wonky as the current skill transitions shows it to be.
Adversting (Guests only)