Energy is the Ranger's resource much like mana on Mage's, both would be good.
Posts by Boltonsquad
I haven't had much time to jump on yet, I did try my Ranger a little and the damage drop for a Ranger is very significant, however we will have to see how it plays out.
There is already rampant gold selling. There's no reason to keep p2p trading off.
Of course there is because gold sellers would run riot, Black Desert doesn't have p2p trading and which means in turn there are zero gold sellers, it's nice to play a game where they aren't running rampant like WoW and other games.
Indeed please remain on topic, I understand it's a tough subject and may trigger some people however please keep it civil.
Which part is incorrect if I may ask?
Just off the top of my head, he said something about all classes been static and unable to move during skills which is incorrect because majority of Ranger's skill you can move while casting them.
I do know of his previous statements, but he isn't that bipolar, at least he is open about the flaws of the games even if he likes them. I mainly play to have fun, but if I don't find it entertaining then why play it. People playing to have fun right?
I had tons of respect for LazyPeon until he posted this video it is the most trashy review of a game I have ever seen, literally bashed everything and quite a few things he mentioned were completely incorrect.
Some player's have received and some haven't you should get it shortly though
Eventually it will, and where did you get the 25k players, please give the community the source for your claims..
The game is hardly dead with 25k players currently online, and it's 2AM for me so majority of the europeans will be offline now.
Don't get my wrong the game has issues which I'm hoping they resolve, I will stick around.
I've played 40 hours so far so I've got my moneys worth already.
Instancing is incredibly popular for questing, even in some of the bigger MMO's like World of Warcraft instancing is a thing.
Welcome to the Bless Source community, should you need anything please feel free to give me a shout
But the other region don't have it either if i read that correctly, then why is it even an option in our version.
I couldn't tell you I'm afraid as I don't know, we will have to wait an see.
There will never be player to player trade, possibly for vendor items only but it's unlikely.
the steam post interates TEMPORARY.
do we know how long this will last?
They haven't given an ETA at present however the first servers are incredibly populated at the moment, I would avoid them if you can to avoid queues.
I'm also enjoying the game currently, considering there isn't much of an endgame at present there's still an awful lot to do!
Majority of resources are found in Turbans, I personally do not collect resources outside of them, Turbans are an instanced minigame where you have 3 minutes to collect as many resources as possible.
Incredibly happy the the developers are acknowledging the problems and resolving them
I'm still getting stuck on the title screen.
I've tried using all the launcher settings.
I've tried using the steam launcher -windowed thing.
I've tried changing the uni file pool size.
When I try something new, it usually works once,
but when I try doing the same thing again, I get
stuck on the title screen. And half the time I do
happen to get passed the title screen, I get disconnected
from the server if I don't scramble to log in fast enough.
I just want to be able to play the game, from what I have played,
it's been extremely fun..
You just have to keep restarting it, took me 12 times this morning till it loaded in
Welcome to the Bless Source community, if you have any questions please feel free to give me a shout
What BoltonSquad was trying to say by "PVP centric" is that the game was literally designed around faction PvP by the devs.
Exactly the real "Endgame" of Bless is PvP, you farm your gear from dungeons then PvP.