The nerf that was implemented this morning was much too heavy handed.
60 to 80% damage nerf for all classes? That is absolutely terrible.
You guys went from all classes being completely overpowered to the opposite end of the spectrum.
I suggest reverting the current nerf and applying a nerf that is a bit more sensible; something along the lines of 15%~ across the board.

Fix PVE Damage
agree with the above. Yes a nerf was needed but it was to big.
Now a mage (DPS Class) got more hp and does no damge? trying to make a mage a tank?
I agree you shouldn't be able to 1 hit normal mobs. but all the good MMO's you can do 2-3 skills on a mob with good gear (blue here).
Im full blue hitting normal mobs with 3-4 combos to kill them, thats 9-12 skills to kill one normal mob? then after that i have no mana and have to wait for my mana to go up.
Good to see they nerfed the damage. I was feeling a little too powerfull but Ive only been able to get to lvl 15 because of my crazy work hours.
Give them time... They still are testing everything out to see what works and what will not work. It is good that they are at least listening to the community about these changes because they are getting patched same day if not next day with minimal interruptions. (I haven't seen the dps nerf yet because of work but eager to do some testing on hunt quests!)
Glad to see a balance patch implemented so quickly, although I think the damage nerf has affected some classes more than others. Specifically Rangers and Mages. I hear Rangers are painful to play right now.
I think we needed the nerf honestly, but I agree not as extreme. Check out my forum post where I cover a huge list of things that are affected.
Thoughts on Newest "Balance Changes"~Kril
It takes me 9 rotations of the highest damage rotation (not including the self buff rotations) to kill one mob. The spawn rate is so fast, I can't kill three mobs before they re spawn, so they keep engaging in combat with the NPC I'm supposed to talk to. I fought these mobs for 35 minutes and just gave up to see if the forums have a solution.
Agreed. roll back damage nerfs. focus on fixing in game fps drops and server lag first. damage did need a nerf but this sort of major hit goes to show not much thought was put into what the dev team is doing. Everyone that is still here choose to stick it for the long haul and not take the free turn in... we can afford to wait an extra week to ensure things getting put out are done correctly and not "game breaking"
Just an update on the topic, it had been confirm that they are working on tweak but there is no eta at the moment. Lets hope they get this tweak done fast.
I doubt Neowiz is not going to do anything about this in the next few days
I doubt Neowiz is not going to do anything about this in the next few days
Yeah, the fact that they said no eta make it sounds like it will be a while. But who knows, they 'fix' the servers problem pretty fast, so let hope that they are fast on this as well.
Totally agree, I play Guardian and was in a 5 man party trying to do the lvl 31 dungeon. I was with 2 paladins, a ranger, and a mage. We wiped 4 times on the first boss. It took 20 mins per wipe as well. Can say the Guardian class does not have enough aggro abilities and the damage nerf was way too much.
Gonna also post my 2 cents about the impact of 'Missing' an ability in your combo chain and how it feels with or without the nerf.
Either way, dropping your combo completely in the event of a miss just feels terrible. The idea where you can't control the flow of combat on your character is an aged design philosophy that frankly, is in poor taste. This is compounded by the fact that combat in Bless is reliant on maintaining a combo to be effective (not to mention the necessity of applying dots, debuff windows, and gaining resource for stance conversion is also a huge component of being effective). Interrupting the cadence of your combo and dropping it because of something stat related due to lack of gear mid-fight is terrible game design. The only things that should cause you to adapt are the scope of a NPC's abilities and how they affect your character and your decisions throughout the duration of any given encounter.
Another issue I've found is that across all of my characters so far; Mage, Berserker and Guardian, if you miss once, you have an increased chance to miss a consecutive second time. Mousing over the tooltip on my mage, it says I have a 95% chance to hit. Might be a translation error, but who knows. I'm definitely missing more than 5% of the time.
My suggestion to keep the miss mechanic in the game would to just be to cap the hit rating to 100% (actually 100%) until level 31, remove all +hit bonuses from sub level 31 gear, and then at level 31 start introducing +hit as a stat that is required to be effective, as well as a stat that starts appearing on gear, and impose scaling or normalization based on this stat, with each successive level gained, more and more hit is needed to reach cap.
But this solution only caters to making the middle man, Hit Chance and Hit Rating in this case, more relevant, which in turn just takes your control over your rotation away from you, which you are eventually going to have with this design anyway when you have the gear. In the interim, however (before they are able to cap), playing the game at all just feels not fun at all due the fact that your combos are being dropped frequently.So the solution, quite simply, would to just be to remove the middle man (hit rating) entirely, and make players have 100% chance to hit at all times, levels 1 through 45 (unless affected by debuffs or similiar, obv)
I really hope they fix this. My friends and i have all enjoyed this week server issues aside. Bless feels like a game i could love for a bit but this nerf is too much. narrow your play only to quest kills and leveling, feels rough. expand that to dungeon, hunt quests ( 60 of these, no thanks) this is killing the experience. The 7 people i started with really enjoyed up until today, we started a guild, made a seperate discord from our home channel so we could expand our guild and have a relevant voice chat for everyone ready to go. Today none of us wanted to play. "mmos have rough starts, every single one of them" has been my self said shrug off to the negative bs about the game. This isnt helping me lol
I defended this game all along and they fix alot of things. People having lots and fun and then... this ruiner patch. I'm a ranger that does close combat with deers 'till other deers respawn. wtf??? fix it please or i'll leave
Best regards