1. I love the shield...
2. the tutorial was g%y AF and could be done better IMO
Would love to hear what everyones initial opinion of the Guardian class is like...
So far i find him fluid for attacks and alot of fun...
1. I love the shield...
2. the tutorial was g%y AF and could be done better IMO
Would love to hear what everyones initial opinion of the Guardian class is like...
So far i find him fluid for attacks and alot of fun...
Having seen the initial problems people were having, and knowing that my actual available game time over the pre-release period was limited, I decided that I was better off just buying it on the 30th.
Having seen the initial problems people were having, and knowing that my actual available game time over the pre-release period was limited, I decided that I was better off just buying it on the 30th.
Prob not a bad choice - I can imagine the starting areas on release day though... eep
honestly I have gone through the maintenance but aside from that once in leveling has been fluid. Jesus the guardian can take a beating and slam a harder one back. This class truly is amazing. Action combat is fluid with them and I am already feeling a good rotstion out at lvl 19.
Prob not a bad choice - I can imagine the starting areas on release day though... eep
this is probably the way to go for some however I swear most people just either are mot aware of switching to channel 2 or are not doing it at all. I habe had not problems. We are in lilyanthes server and we(my guild) stay in channel 2 with no issues
Love the game! Hate the early release and the launch issues!
Can't get past the title screen soooooo I can't even tell you.
got pass the loading screen got in to the game but i keep getting dc they need to fix it
got pass the loading screen got in to the game but i keep getting dc they need to fix it
At this point I just want to at least make my character and go through the tutorial, I've been so eager for this game.
I’m really enjoying my guardian. Only level 11 and playing on a pretty old pc, so using graphic/video setting 1. Some buildings and players take a while to generate, but combat has been fluid enough for me to enjoy the game. A little worried my performance will suffer when start doing group dungeons/raids, so will prob need to upgrade if decide to get into the end of game content.
I tapped out at lvl 10 last night but I spent so much time convincing a mate and trying to help them with what i'd already figured...
Its good to hear everyone of a similar opinion for the guardian seeing it was a bit up in the air before release...
I certainly dont find my guy can take a beating though... i must be missing something ?
A few hickups at first but starting to get pretty good.
Hit level 23 earlier and had some good gear, the build options is pretty neat. Have to remember you can level up the skills to either do more dmg or reduce cooldown and your non chain abilities have some very interesting ways you can upgrade those aswell. I had upgraded my obtain bravery skill to increase my power by 30% when I used it when my bravery bar was depleted, I was doing very good dps.
So worth buying or do u think the game will betray us ?
I see to much negative Things About this game.
Having seen the initial problems people were having, and knowing that my actual available game time over the pre-release period was limited, I decided that I was better off just buying it on the 30th.
Prob not a bad choice - I can imagine the starting areas on release day though... eep
Well tonights been nothing but constant disconnects so frustrating
I think guardians almost do too much damage in single target. But I won't complain...
The thing I am not so sure about is the options in leveling the skills.
I mean, I do not know what is required in the end game, but my experience tells me that every combostarter with a cooldown of more than 3 seconds always should level the cooldown reduction and in general, some values seem to be kinda weak in comparison to others. (for example 5% more slow is not really worth more than 20% more damage imo, but 1,2sec more stun seems to be really, really good)
But I think thats not a problem with the guardian in general but with all classes.
But especially as tanks, I do not think that it is wise to simply go the "+5% damage" talents at all if the other choice gives you more utility or survivability.
But again, late game may change things. Especially depending on how important the bonus damage is for keeping aggro.
I am telling you guys... The Gladiator is coming to kick your....
My build is starting to show off...
Overall I dont like or dislike the new combat, I just think they should improve the timing on pressing buttons and actually attacking...
No matter how much fast I press, it never goes on time... Also, I guess the old combat had more freedom, I could just chose any skill and use it as desired, on the other hand, the new combat comes with many specializations, so you can customize your skills the way you want...
I dont think I am gonna meet another guardian with the exact same build as me, and this is a big plus imo..
I am Paladin lvl 23 and love it. Also roll a zerker level 5 and love it. Looking forward to the warlock