Cool! Does anyone know what lvl you would have to be to do this? Max level? Or do we get our levels balanced out when we join? I wanna try!
Posts by ShiftyBandit
Good to see they nerfed the damage. I was feeling a little too powerfull but Ive only been able to get to lvl 15 because of my crazy work hours.
the censorship was due to steams own policies on nudity and sexual content more than neowiz' ....
This is not main reason, why people dislike this game. This game is failure, because they didn't solve OLD problems from OTHER three regions. Optimalization is still terrible, camera is tragic, translation is bad, UI is very cheap and with 0 freedom, action combat is gone (but they showed us nice videos...). These your "early" problems are many years old. How many years we will waiting for fix....again. They sold OLD version and only changed title to WEST. In the end we paid full price for "beta" version.
Bless never had "action Combat" the zerker was hybrid action Combat, just FYI
i have quite a large stockpile lumena now!
I like how in his other video he says that WOW's tab target combat system is better than Bless' even though he complained up and down about how bad the combat system in bless was origionally. They were both the exact same tab target system..... Or aions.. And how did people get stuck in tutorial? I saw that streamer and it was cringy watching him struggle.
Why does no one mention how awesome it is that each race has its own unique starting zone with a story quest that ties into the factions main story quest? Thats an awesome bit of lore and detail right there! I want more of that!
lol one less person in the queue line then?
The "There is no excuse for thisnin this day and age" argument is getting old. Look, the same thing happens all over the world every day monday to friday(twice a day) with rush hour traffic. Everybody left at the same fucking time and is trying to use the same fucking tunnel and we dont all fit. Just chill out. You payed for a 2 day headstart? Cool, so did hundreds of thousands of others as well.
(This is an analogy BTW)
I must be Blessed or something because I only had fps issues when I first logged in. Run everything on max with a Nvidia 1070. I agree the voice acting is weird and I wish the UI was adjustable but these are hardly game breaking for me. (Im away from my pc now might post my full specs later)
But I wanted to see Mathias get it on with Leoni!!!! For uh.... My immersion.... Ya....
I only got a couple hours of play in last night after a long day at work, and a 30min download and install of the game.
Loved it! The sound design is awesome, ambient noise and the soundtrack!
Ths new combo system took a little to figure out, but I like it. Almost have to think about what im doing lol The tutorial really doesnt need to be there in my opinion, but maybe thats because I have experience with other versions of the game...
Some of the voice lines are a little....lacking? I dunno.
Only had fps problems when I first logged in. Ran smooth as silk after that tho. Even in Hieracon
maybe its not such a bad thing that im going to be stuck at work for a while longer. Lol
if you are not trying to represent the "Community" maybe don't, i dunno, write "WE AS THE COMMUNITY WANT...." Twice and in your thread title...
And, they cant anyways.
It's nice that they keep us updated but I wished they would give us more info on cash shop and premium benefits.
This wasnt an update. Its a PR statement lol IF they had given us new info on the cash shop and premium membership, that woulda been an update. This was just.... "Well we have to say something! Or we'll look stupid" or something like that
well thats just based of the currency exchange rate though. I think prices are in USD? So what ever 200$ is in your currency
So I watched a video by MMOByte, did people really not expect there to be "Premium Service"? in a "Free to Play" mmorpg? I know it was going to be B2P but I also assumed that there would be premium service....
I don't like the whole pay for convenience concept either. Need more bag space? Pay money. Need more character slots? Pay money. It indirectly equates to pay to win because if you don't pay, the game becomes so inconvenient for you that you have to pay in order to keep up with everyone else.
Thats pretty much a staple for these types of games, how do people not realize this? lol
Ii was hoping against hope that maybe there would be an Artbook included in one of the founder copies. That woulda been pretty sweet. Like a make the 200$ pack just ONE copy of the game but you get an Artbook with lore and intrestings facts about the game and lore in it. Make it 150$ while im at it lol