Curious and wondering how Paladin DPS will be high level or rather endgame... wondering if based on gear / combos PLD can stand with the other dps or if it will be subpar at best... not sure if people who have played on other servers or rather version could pitch in.

Paladin DPS
Pladin is a healer so i dont think its going to have neer the same amount of dps as a DPS Focused class like berserker
probably doable but will definitely need to work harder than other classes to get that gear up to be able to dps, better off going a dps class
Don't think it will be that viable, maybe in pvp but definitely not for pve
Even though won't be top of damage charts, paladin will still be a monster as they're tanky, have heals, have cc.
Don't think it will be that viable, maybe in pvp but definitely not for pve
In FF 14 even the healer was expected to keep up there dots and dmg on a target same will be the case for paladin here all of them need to do there part to make the instance run as fast as possible.
Having the same level of DPS as the Mage, Berserker and Ranger AND still beeing able to (self) heal woud be fairly unbalanced. So expect it to be sub par at best.
Having the same level of DPS as the Mage, Berserker and Ranger AND still beeing able to (self) heal woud be fairly unbalanced. So expect it to be sub par at best.
naturally if it did it would be un balanced and appreciate the feedback's... i dont expect it to be like the other dps and you would prob have to work harder naturally but im sure we have all played hybrid classes in different MMO and there is a diff between a class can do 2 things if played right and flat out sub par. im sure for pld to do great dps gear has to be near damn godly and everything done right and like said its a healer but at the same time dev decided to make it dps also, im just wondering or rather curious if dps will be normal to good ( NOT OMG PLD is broken ) or flat out terrible i dont expect it to go toe to toe with mystics and stuff if anything i would have thought pld would have been heal / tank like prior mmo
I could see pally putting out soild dps. You would have to use 2 dps stances which would mean you have no heals. If you went a hybrid of dps/heal stances your dps should be poor.
I could see pally putting out soild dps. You would have to use 2 dps stances which would mean you have no heals. If you went a hybrid of dps/heal stances your dps should be poor.
thats what i was thinking but i guess will know when comes out and party composition if 2 pld in party etc and going up against what or what your fighting.. and gear but i appreciate the feedbacks. def gonna have some fun tinkering with this class.
In FF 14 even the healer was expected to keep up there dots and dmg on a target same will be the case for paladin here all of them need to do there part to make the instance run as fast as possible.
well obviously they will do damage but I mean they wont be a viable option for being the main dps. all healers need to do some damage in all mmos
well obviously they will do damage but I mean they wont be a viable option for being the main dps. all healers need to do some damage in all mmos
TBH most MMO hybrid classes can go either or way alot of things will depend and situational especially at high level party composition how its played etc,..
i know that dps guardian is going to be a thing. I think the final 2 stances will tell what direction pally will go
well for soloing content it's okay but I don't expect it to be oh so amazing like back with the old 3 core skill system.
The Paladin Core was kinda easy mode in PvE, Pull a bunch of mobs and AoE kill them while practically be immortal.
Wonder if this still works.
Now that we are able to play, what are the opinions now?
I will say that the stance thing really hurts the dps choices. I have died a few times early on because all we can really do is "auto attack". Mana was a huge issue sub level 10. more to come as I progress (after beating queue boss) -
Now that we are able to play, what are the opinions now?
I will say that the stance thing really hurts the dps choices. I have died a few times early on because all we can really do is "auto attack". Mana was a huge issue sub level 10. more to come as I progress (after beating queue boss)Atm we cant realy judge till higher lvl and untill we can realy upgrade the skills we have so i will hold my thoughts but tbh i like the class
Je suis très déçue de cette version, sur le papier cela me semblait plus sympathique et nerveux mais il en est rien... Je préférais de loin l'ancienne version. Un simple switch d'arme à la GW2 en gardant les skills de réaction aurait suffit à donner ce sentiment de rapidité qu'il manquait, à vouloir contenter tout le monde on se retrouve avec un système bancal. La personnalisation des builds s'en trouve bridée et tout se résume à trois combos prédéfinis. Dommage !
As others have mentioned they are fine for leveling content however lack damage to solo on themselves dungeons, PvP etc
As others have mentioned they are fine for leveling content however lack damage to solo on themselves dungeons, PvP etc
As of now we will still have to wait and see what gear sets they will need and the what combination of Ability skills and passive stats they need to make competent dps and the lastt 2 stances
PvP wise Interruption Tactics is probably the best PvP/DPS stance Available atm because all of its combos have strong CC on them and that stance is heavy on dots and long range ability's and dem dots crit to boi so use knowledge to pump dat dps