Best class atm on OBT?

  • OP - well I'd say Mages and Assassins from what I've seen.

    Paladins and Guardian are very hard to kill. Berserkers need a bit of skill then you are good to go. Rangers are a pain in the ass if you play a class with no gap closers

  • well my impression so far (PvE perspective):

    Mage and Berserker - very fast leveling since you have some powerful AoE skills and overall are damage dealers so you get things done quickly. Especially all the kill quests which give a good amount of extra exp besides the normal quests. I've seen people hoarding 5 mobs and kill them in the same pace as I kill 1 mob so yeah...

    I'd add Ranger to the classes above, however I'm not sure about the AoE ability but still... you kill things fast.

    Guardian and Assassin should be single target classes and not sure about Guardian but I think both classes level with a good pace. Assassin being an assassin pretty squishy but if played right - like Zerker and Mage too - do a good performance. Guardian has a good portion of CC, a block and some damage skills so you won't die that easily.

    In general I think the fast attack speed classes suffer from the bad connection to the korean servers. Even while doing the dungeon yesterday I felt that while healing the group.

    Paladin levels pretty slow because of mostly single target spells and not that high damage. On the other hand you won't die that easily because of your selfheal, defensive skill, heals and defensive abilities.

    In terms of faction choice - from what I've seen Heiron has a more straight quest line while Union has multiple quest hubs at the same level. Can be my personal impression but well. Either way at this point I think no faction has any extreme benefits. Maybe later some safe zones, hunting grounds for World Bosses or w.e. are in places which are better for one faction but I can't really say something about the later levels.

    Not sure what you are looking for. Every class has it's benefits and with the core skills three different playstyles if you want to call it that way.

    On the PvE side I don't think the game will be an actual challenge if you have gear on par with your level, a solid connection so you can use defensive skills more frequently and a more or less decent group to play with.

  • There is one class that is perfect for want to focus more on pve right? BUT you also want to be able to defend yourself or even engage pvp if needed (all classes can do it, but this one will suit you) then the class that will suit you is Mage.

    AOE skills, good damage dealer, fast leveling if you are smart and careful while trying to deal with groups of mobs. In terms of pvp, just Kite them...that's it! Run and spam skills:

    - Berserker If it's going to leap stun you (even if already leaped onto you) just press shift;
    - Guardian if it's rushing towards you or gives you any debuff just press shift;
    - Assassin if is going all over you back, side, front, then just press shift and use an aoe skill around yourself (preference with instant casting) or something to freeze him or prickle him somehow, keep moving around as well don't stay in the same spot when dealing with assassins.
    - Ranger always move closer to them, and move around them throwing skills (preference the ones that interrupt like stun, freeze, sleep, etc) carefull with spikes and chains, just press shift anyways since that is your Dodge skill that eliminates DOTS, paralyzes and stuff like that.
    - Mage the best man spamming skills and avoiding damage from combos and debuffs or dots (if mage have them i don't think they do lol) wins.
    - Paladin, still don't have much experience to share with you but best thing to do is to kite them, although they do have range skills and heals, so focus on damage dealing with instant casting and fast casting like 1sec max 2secs something like that, so you wont give them time to completely heal themselfs.

    How do i know all of this? through experience, been pvping a lot of union guys, assassins, berserkers, mages, rangers is what i have seen more from Union. Guardians and Paladins are pretty though too, i pvped a paladin once and won, but since then i haven't seen our fought another paladin, same thing with guardians, they have nice interrupt skills and good defense which makes hard to deal damage.

    Well try mage, if you don't like it then go with something else ^^

  • Warlock and Mystic shall be released soon according to the rumors and I think they're both similar to their WoW\EQ2 counterparts:

    - Warlock: classic DoT class with summons and vampiric skills, specialized in debuffs that weaken your enemy and loved by solo players.

    - Mystic: A bard-like class with AoE Healing over time, some buffs and small DoT skills to help you leveling up, mostly group-oriented class

  • Warlock and Mystic shall be released soon according to the rumors and I think they're both similar to their WoW\EQ2 counterparts:

    - Warlock: classic DoT class with summons and vampiric skills, specialized in debuffs that weaken your enemy and loved by solo players.

    - Mystic: A bard-like class with AoE Healing over time, some buffs and small DoT skills to help you leveling up, mostly group-oriented class

    I feel as these 2 classes will be the strongest.
    we have 2 therads showing their skill list previews and I feel as if the Mystic has far more damage than given here, just as many curses as the Warlock, even slowing atk speed and stacking dots to "pop" them like a SM in Aion
    Warlock is far more damage-y but the have pets where as the Mystic can summon auras like a chanter?/Cleric in Aion.

  • Longterm in a game.. metas change. Obviously being somewhat decent at killing stuff is favourable but it's prob best this early on to pick the class that you can see yourself playing for a while and stick with it. Then again, this is coming from someone who generally mains 1 character rather than cycling between a few.