Open beta first impressions from a new player

      Open beta first impressions from a new player

      So I just got the game loaded up, made a character and began playing. I'm kinda disappointed. I had to turn the graphics down to a 3 on the preset to get decent fps. The UI looks like a f2p game UI, no polish whatsoever.

      I haven't gotten far into gameplay or anything yet, but perhaps you guys can keep my hopes up that even though this is open beta, they devs are still improving and tweaking the game?
      I tried this last night, didn't really seem to help. I guess I'm just wondering if the devs plan on making improvements to the UI, etc. I played TERA and remember tweaking the .ini files to improve gameplay and gfx quality. I just don't want this to end up feeling more like a f2p, w/o any real polish.