Hey guys , which server should I go to as an aspiring new english player !

    Hey guys , which server should I go to as an aspiring new english player !

    I am new and I'll probaly be playing this game alot for the pvp , Which server (hieron/union) resides the most number of english players? I am planning to help and enrich the bless online english community for the new players once I am experienced and well into the game myself ! :thumbsup:
    Copy and pasting this from the shoutbox, since you asked there too:
    Zazaaji A moment ago
    Just try to add some as friends.

    Zazaaji A moment ago
    Nito has a list of know players on that server here: Server and faction for open beta.

    Zazaaji 2 minutes ago
    Still the server with the most English players is the union side of 바라카. Still not a ton, but it's your best bet.

    Nyweris wrote:

    Is there a way to change server/transfer? If so would be nice to know info/pics. Thanks

    I don't think so, at least as far as i know there isn't any transfer system already and i don't know what your level is either :P

    So if i were you i'd create another character in the right server, it doesn't take long to reach 20s in just one day so far. Speaking about myself, i've started the game yesterday afternoon and at the end of the day i was 22 (6 or 7 hours so far)
    Arckam, InnerCircle, Spanish Gamer Community.
    :P <Insert random signature here>