[Insert Creative Introduction Thread Title Here]

      [Insert Creative Introduction Thread Title Here]


      Hello Bless-Source!

      I'm new to the forums but not necessarily new to the hype of Bless. I've been watching trailers and cutscenes for at least a good few months now, but haven't really involved myself in a community centering around the game until today. I've always enjoyed the -Source pages. I was a member of Aion-Source and ArcheAge-Source way-back-when.

      Bless kinda got my heart pumping in the same way Aion and ArcheAge did when they were first released, and I have played both, respectively, for 3-year spurts (if for AA, you count playing on the Korean servers with the -Source group, then going NA as soon as launch hit as a cumulative playtime length). One thing that I am reaaaally really big on is lore and roleplay. I'm really picky about my MMOs and don't hop on every hype train I see, but Bless certainly has my attention, and since it has provoked a similar reaction from me as my former and current MMORPGs-of-choice, I'm very well certain it'll be my next long-term game of choice. BDO and B&S? Eh, not really my bag o' tea.

      I'm a semi-active YouTuber and my gaming rig is horribly outdated and falling apart, but I'm hoping that it'll still run Bless. I suppose, fates willing, I'll find out in another hour or so. I have a lot to learn about Bless, and I hope to do so here.

      Also - I couldn't think of a good forum name 'cause I usually go with my character's name, but I don't think I'll have a good character concept until I get elbow-deep in lore study and translation, and fiddle with the character creation a little bit.

      [Insert Whoever-the-Hell I Will One Day Be in Bless]