Pinned English Patch (For KR and Japan)

    • English Patch (For KR and Japan)

      Hey guys, so CULT is going to improve the English Patch, for use on KR and Japan.
      Clown Deity's patch and the old KR patch are almost there, but still need some work.

      We will be doing the following.
      • Cleaning Up spelling and grammar mistakes (that drive us up the wall!).
      • Changing some names of things. "Book Points" are "Adventure Points" on all bless material, that will be changed. Seller should be "General Merchant" as that is what they are. "Castro Points" doesn't make any sense, "Influence points" like in old KR makes more sense, that will be changed. Are just some examples.
      • We are also going to attempt the bridge the gap between the KR English patch and the RU one. Such as the examples I said before.
      I want to be clear that Cloud Deity did a wonderful job on the translation. However his translation method and English not being his first language have left a lot to be desired. We are going to do our best to improve on that.

      If you have any pet peeves or things you think need changed. Please post below, and we will make the change.

      Display Spoiler

      REV 1.0:
      • New Content Added
      • Skills updated
      • Profile updated
      • Currencies updated
      • Quests updated
      • NPCs updated
      • Items updated
      • Mounts updated
      • Pets updated
      • Minions updated
      • Crafting updated

      REV 1.1:
      • Added Korean PVP siege times
      • Added Korean World boss times / in progress
      • Quest description NPCs now correctly name NPCs to kill
      • The Dungeon finder doesn't show the names for the newest 3 dungeons. We are aware of this, and are looking into a fix for next weeks update.
      REV 1.2:
      • Dungeons Fixed!
      • World Info Tweaks
      • Minor Fixes

      This patch will be updated weekly to the best of our ability's. After the Initial changes are completed. (So REV 2.0 Foward)

      Shout Outs to CULT's, Translation Team:
      Daemonic, Aisling Rune


      The post was edited 10 times, last by Daemonic ().

    • Uploaded 1.1, the 4/28 was the wrong patch, we got them confused (we have a lot of patching going on lol).

      1.1 Includes

      All of Clown Deity's work, plus fixes to his work.
      It also includes Project Revive translations for stuff that wasn't in RU, and fixes to it.
      A new patch will be uploaded this weekend, with all the newest stuff from the last few patches.

      Translations for everything past 1/25/17 will be coming in the next day or so (AslingRune fell asleep editing it, waiting for him to wake up :P.)

      Once we get caught up, and everything fixed, we will try to upload patches on Thursdays with all the new stuff for the previous days patch.

      And again if anyone has anything they feel could be better, like quest descriptions, merchants ect. If you want to list that here in a comment, with all the details (Quest name, Description < What it should Say. We will take care of it)

    • prisha wrote:

      Not to bad, but your patch broke all the lvl 50 dungeons that clowb had working. Now they all kor.strings. As well as a few buffs
      I will check into that. I thought we fixed that with rev1.1, I will look at it.

      I think you mean that PR had working, Clouds pacth never had those working that is why we did this to begin with :P.

      Found the issue, Got you will upload a fixed version shortly or in the morning.


      The post was edited 1 time, last by Daemonic ().

    • Okay, so update!!!

      This OG code is a mess, I have CD/PR/Original Russia/Original KR ect. And these files even the OG's, are just messes, when they do updates they make bigger messes :( I cannot believe the devs release this!

      Anyway, due to that, and the fact that Asling is being lazy, I'm taking over and redoing Everything! It really is the only way to make sense of this mess.

      So What I'm going to do, is update it piece by piece. Going from Rev 1.1 above. So I started on the World (The Dungeons and Zones ECT.), and will have that up miana some time, fixed and complete.

      From there, I will slowly get this all redone myself, as like I said they are making big messes, then the translates of old are bigger messes.

      I really hope US holds out and makes these kinds of things get fixed, this is sloppy coding.

    • Daemonic wrote:

      prisha wrote:

      Not to bad, but your patch broke all the lvl 50 dungeons that clowb had working. Now they all kor.strings. As well as a few buffs
      I will check into that. I thought we fixed that with rev1.1, I will look at it.

      I think you mean that PR had working, Clouds pacth never had those working that is why we did this to begin with :P.

      Found the issue, Got you will upload a fixed version shortly or in the morning.

      Actually he did. I sent him the KR patch not a little after 4/11 of world map info. He did twee kit to get 2/3 done among a few other things. One was still broken. But there was much more broken a well. So he may still have the copy he sent me or you could send him the KR versions nd he could fix it for you. Their three messed up dungeons, he fixed two. Third one went completely empty. see, but now oh well so sad.

      Keep in mind teh RU version was behind the KR. So if you sent him the world map info it would of caught all new dungeons. and he also fixed in that patch much of the newer items from 4/11. But he needs the most up to date KR verson thats not over written, files to work with.
      • ScreenShot_2017-04-13_23.11.35.jpg

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    • prisha wrote:

      Hereis what he sent me. Theres some world info at last two dungeons and few other things
      Cool, I been busy today, So for right now, I will patch that in, and later tonight or in the morning patch back mine. - Finished my changes instead.

      Its ALOT of lines to edit so progress will be semi slow, we going to get a few more working on this, then it should speed up.

      Honestly the Story and Quests descriptions are the most daunting, so they will be last. My priority atm is Dungeons then Skills & Buffs Then Gear.

      If anyone reading this is JP player, I could really use the JP files to make sure all will be kosher when using over there.

      EDIT: I looked over what you gave me, and it will be easier to adapt that. So I'm going to wait and just redo and add that to our version. Its overall decent, but just like the rest its machine language. He literally took the patch and ran it through translate app then pasted back, as that is what I get when I do that (well very similar, his app is better than mine). The hard part is going over each line individually and fixing the broken English/bad translations.

      I want to stress, I'm not trying to insult them by saying that. I realize English is a second language for them. Also they were/are just trying to get something that works. I am trying to get proper English / Capitalization / Grammar ect. That task is a whole other beast :P.


      The post was edited 5 times, last by Daemonic ().

    • prisha wrote:

      Not to bad, but your patch broke all the lvl 50 dungeons that clowb had working. Now they all kor.strings. As well as a few buffs
      Fixed in Rev 1.2, well the Dungeons. I got 1000 lines through the 1500, and fixed the dungeons for now. I will finish the remaining lines before rev-1.3.

      The buffs will be the next target :), they are bothering me as well. Will try to get the 45 leggo gear in there as well, hopefully tomorrow. No promises, a lot going on lol.

    • Riunia wrote:

      As you requested, the JPN files. Incomplete translations though, as our beta only went up to Level 25 (I think they're still doing work).
      Thanks thats fine I just wanted to compare the KR files to the Jap files.

    • Riunia wrote:

      As you requested, the JPN files. Incomplete translations though, as our beta only went up to Level 25 (I think they're still doing work).
      I am seriously disappointed in Neowiz and Pmang right now lol.

      This just became an even bigger Mess!!! All the Content, even Tomb of the Warrior King is in Japan, yet it has more lines than KR by 500, and the RU patch has more lines by 1000.

      That is because, JPN's files, are coded correctly (well more so, than the other 2) and it adds a bunch of lines. So they fixed the game and crap coding for JPN but not for KR.

      They add lines they dont need, they remove and group, I feel extremely bad for Aeria games right now, These peoples code is ATROCIOUS! There is literally Zero Consistency aside from the fact they all work LMFAO. I seriously am just sitting here thinking how do these people get anything done at all.

      So An Update to the OP, which I'll add tomorrow my brain hurts right now.
      I am going to use the Japanese Files from here on out, I am going to re translate everything, and do spelling grammar checks, then Throw it up for KR and JPN, as it will work for both. JPN added to the game, and has the base, and cleaned up the code (there is literally 1000s of lines of worthless unneeded coding in these language packs that are slowing the game down.) and PMANG should never ever publish another Game!

    • Daemonic wrote:

      Riunia wrote:

      As you requested, the JPN files. Incomplete translations though, as our beta only went up to Level 25 (I think they're still doing work).
      I am seriously disappointed in Neowiz and Pmang right now lol.
      This just became an even bigger Mess!!! All the Content, even Tomb of the Warrior King is in Japan, yet it has more lines than KR by 500, and the RU patch has more lines by 1000.

      That is because, JPN's files, are coded correctly (well more so, than the other 2) and it adds a bunch of lines. So they fixed the game and crap coding for JPN but not for KR.

      They add lines they dont need, they remove and group, I feel extremely bad for Aeria games right now, These peoples code is ATROCIOUS! There is literally Zero Consistency aside from the fact they all work LMFAO. I seriously am just sitting here thinking how do these people get anything done at all.

      So An Update to the OP, which I'll add tomorrow my brain hurts right now.
      I am going to use the Japanese Files from here on out, I am going to re translate everything, and do spelling grammar checks, then Throw it up for KR and JPN, as it will work for both. JPN added to the game, and has the base, and cleaned up the code (there is literally 1000s of lines of worthless unneeded coding in these language packs that are slowing the game down.) and PMANG should never ever publish another Game!
      I don't know anything about coding, but hugs all the same. You're a hero for tackling all that. It's unfortunate that it's such a mess to begin with. Hopefully our version will be more akin to the Japanese version. :(
    • Daemonic wrote:

      Riunia wrote:

      As you requested, the JPN files. Incomplete translations though, as our beta only went up to Level 25 (I think they're still doing work).
      I am seriously disappointed in Neowiz and Pmang right now lol.
      This just became an even bigger Mess!!! All the Content, even Tomb of the Warrior King is in Japan, yet it has more lines than KR by 500, and the RU patch has more lines by 1000.

      That is because, JPN's files, are coded correctly (well more so, than the other 2) and it adds a bunch of lines. So they fixed the game and crap coding for JPN but not for KR.

      They add lines they dont need, they remove and group, I feel extremely bad for Aeria games right now, These peoples code is ATROCIOUS! There is literally Zero Consistency aside from the fact they all work LMFAO. I seriously am just sitting here thinking how do these people get anything done at all.

      So An Update to the OP, which I'll add tomorrow my brain hurts right now.
      I am going to use the Japanese Files from here on out, I am going to re translate everything, and do spelling grammar checks, then Throw it up for KR and JPN, as it will work for both. JPN added to the game, and has the base, and cleaned up the code (there is literally 1000s of lines of worthless unneeded coding in these language packs that are slowing the game down.) and PMANG should never ever publish another Game!

      you are right... the whole project is a real mess. Tera online had or has one of the cleanest codes I've seen so far. Aion was so-so.

      Anyway thanks for the hard work. I really appreciate it.
    • Riunia wrote:

      Anywho, I'll try and get CBT2 files if that rolls around. Though probably won't happen for awhile.
      I will have to get back with you, but I'm 90% sure that the JPN pack, has all the files. That is just from glances, so I am not positive however. But TY for the uploading those :).

    • PandaTheCow wrote:

      How does one download the korean version and get it english patched? ive been waiting 4 years for this game lol
      Nito has an amazing guide to help people out with that very thing right here. :)

      Edit: Also, installing the English patch here is as easy as downloading it after Bless has finished downloading and installing and then extracting it into your localisation folder. The path will start wherever you installed Bless, and will go something like Bless\BLGame\Localization. Extract the folder labeled KOR into the localisation folder and it will overwrite anything in there, and then you're good to go. If you want to be safe, you can back up the folder beforehand just in case anything goes wrong. :)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Nayukhuut ().

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