This guide is due to the fact that the same questions are asked over and over and over again and I'm sick and tired of it.
This guide will contain
Account Acquisition
In order to play Bless (and every other Korean Game) you need a Verified Account. These Accounts are bound to a korean social security number, short KSSN and a korean mobile phone. So in essence unless you know someone from Korea you have to buy an account. You can buy them on many sites, the popular ones are:
Changing the System Locale to Korean
In order to display Korean Characters on System & Error Messages as well as on the client (some korean games have this) you have to set your locale to Korean.
1. Start -> Settings
2. Open: "Time and Language"
3. on Date and Time-Tab under related settings -> "additional Date, Time and regional Settings"
4. additional window will open, there choose tab "Administration" there "change system locale"
5. Select Korean and klick OK
System Requirements
* recommended Graphic Level
** better Hardware required
Minimum RAM: 4G
Recommended RAM: 6G+
Supported OS:
WIN 7, WIN 8, WIN 8.1, WIN 10 - only 64bit
VPN Clients
You may choose from many VPN Clients - popular ones are (here in the forum):
Installation of the Game
Downloading the Game
Navigate to:
or navigate to and click the green circled letters
You can now choose between two download managers (red and blue) or you can directly download from their servers.
Moscos discovered the urls of the files, however they may be old/invalid when you want to download the client so yeah. Use on your own risk:
Direct Download - Thanks Moscos
Press the red mirror for the NWDownloader.exe
Execute the NWDownloader.exe and this window appears:
Press the blue framed Button (Ok)
Your options are now:
1 - change the download destination. This is not your installation destination!
2 - execute the setup file. Only availabe when you have 100% downloaded
3 - Start Downloading
4 - Pause Downloading
5 - Close
After you finished downloading your download folder should look like this:
Please note that the files I have are old! There may be more files with another name and other sizes. But the basic structure should look like this. Please backup these files since they come in handy for a re-installation.
Press Execute (2) on the NWDownloader.exe or Execute the Setup.exe (the File with the Red - White - P Icon). The Installation starts shorty after.
Installing the Game
After executing the setup.exe this window appears - press the blue framed button
Next Step - accepting the terms and conditions:
Change the Installation Location to wherever you like:
When you have the right location (for example your gaming SSD like me) press next
Then finish the settings and press okay to start the installation:
Installation Process:
Installation Process is finished:
Your Folder should look like this or similar:
You are basically finished with Installing the Game. You go to to start the game, as you can read in the next paragraph.
Installing DX 9c and other stuff
Navigate to the Addon Folder
Install DX 9c since the game will spout a certain error message if you don't. Use the dxwebsetup.exe. If you need and VC/VS files install them as well but I doubt anyone needs these.
Reinstalling the Game
Sometimes you may want to re-install the game or re-locate the client. To do so basically rename your Bless Client folder to something else and then use a registry cleaner to clean the now invalid paths since you renamed the Client location.
Use your downloaded files and redo the installation process with the new location. Once the process is finished, delete the old client files and copy the up-to-date client files from your old location to the new one. If everything went right the game should start now from your new location.
As already said, please back up the setup files since you can use them later on. This also works for Clients from other people like downloading via Torrent or so. But with the setup you make sure everything get's set like Registry values, Firewall rules, etc.
Running the Game
In order to start the game almost all korean games require the game start from the official website. To start Bless go to:
It is best when you use Internet Explorer. Chrome and Firefox work too but IE works best or guaranteed.
The order (normally) with Bless is the following:
Choose the account type you have and log in with your account information
If you are a new user there is no character inforamtion besides your account name.
If you choose Union (like me) everything changes to the redish theme. If you chose Hieron you have a blueish theme.
Starting the Game
As already said - after login you have to connect to your VPN and then press the green circled letters (Game Start)
Starting up the game for the first time will require you to install the PstallSetup.exe
You have to install it and allow it you communicate through your firewall (if that is necessary).
Other than that when everything is finished you will get a message (pop-up message from your browser) which will tell you that the setup is finished and you have to run the game again.
Whenever you want to run a game a session is created. So when you close your game or get a disconnect or in the case of the setup you have to refresh your browser to start a new session. Simple as that.
When everything went right, your active windows should minimize and in the System Tray there you be the Pmang Icon from the Pmang Launcher:
Patching the Game
The game usually patches like any other patcher. You can disconnect form the VPN to get a better download speed, however you have to start a new session and restart the game since your ip changed and the pis launcher will spout out an error if you disconnect from your vpn while patching.
After a possible patch Game Guard will update itself and will perform a check, then authenticate and your the splash screen will appear:
Bless should then take a while to start up. After that you should be able to get to the server selection and well... do your thing.
Since Bless suffers from some FPS problems Xenonino posted a fix for that problem:
Premium Service and Cash Shop+Gem Shope
Pmang Cash Shop Currency
You can buy the Pmang Cash Shop Currency on Newgameway for example if you go to Bless -> Item Shop Tab or go to OBTGame:…k-squad-ava-bless-sf.html
There are also guides on how to charge these points from your own Credit Card but I never really figured these guides out or they were already old so yeah...
Cash Shop
The official URL of the shop is:
The content of the shop is:
Ingame Gem Shop (Loumena Shop)
The ingame shop content consists of:
Premium Service
When you purchase something in the Store (VIP, Gems or any other Package) you have to claim it ingame on your character. VIP and Gems are character based not account based, keep that in mind.
This guide will contain
- Prepartion
- Installation of the Game
- Running the Game
- Error Messages
- Premium Services and Cash Shop+Gem Shop
Account Acquisition
In order to play Bless (and every other Korean Game) you need a Verified Account. These Accounts are bound to a korean social security number, short KSSN and a korean mobile phone. So in essence unless you know someone from Korea you have to buy an account. You can buy them on many sites, the popular ones are:
- General Account: normal verified account. If this account needs a re-verification you lose the account since they won't re-verify the account
- Safe Account: they will re-verify the account if necessary but you need to pay monthly!
Changing the System Locale to Korean
In order to display Korean Characters on System & Error Messages as well as on the client (some korean games have this) you have to set your locale to Korean.
1. Start -> Settings
2. Open: "Time and Language"
3. on Date and Time-Tab under related settings -> "additional Date, Time and regional Settings"
4. additional window will open, there choose tab "Administration" there "change system locale"
5. Select Korean and klick OK
System Requirements
Graphic Level |
4 (*)
i3 550
Athlon II X4 620 |
i5 760
Athlon X4 740 |
ii5 760
Athlon X4 740 |
i5 2500
FX-6300 |
FX-6350** |
GTS 250
Radeon R7 240 |
GTX 650
HD 6790 |
GTX 460
R7 260 |
GTX 560
HD 6950 |
GTX 660**
R9270** |
* recommended Graphic Level
** better Hardware required
Minimum RAM: 4G
Recommended RAM: 6G+
Supported OS:
WIN 7, WIN 8, WIN 8.1, WIN 10 - only 64bit
VPN Clients
You may choose from many VPN Clients - popular ones are (here in the forum):
- Softether
- FlyVPN
- OpenVPN
Downloading the Game
Navigate to:
or navigate to and click the green circled letters
You can now choose between two download managers (red and blue) or you can directly download from their servers.
Moscos discovered the urls of the files, however they may be old/invalid when you want to download the client so yeah. Use on your own risk:
moscos wrote:
anyway in the end, solved my problems because of desperate times... my IDM captured the encrypted direct url of the files.
now Im downloading it with my IDM. fast.
Press the red mirror for the NWDownloader.exe
Execute the NWDownloader.exe and this window appears:
Press the blue framed Button (Ok)
Your options are now:
1 - change the download destination. This is not your installation destination!
2 - execute the setup file. Only availabe when you have 100% downloaded
3 - Start Downloading
4 - Pause Downloading
5 - Close
After you finished downloading your download folder should look like this:
Please note that the files I have are old! There may be more files with another name and other sizes. But the basic structure should look like this. Please backup these files since they come in handy for a re-installation.
Press Execute (2) on the NWDownloader.exe or Execute the Setup.exe (the File with the Red - White - P Icon). The Installation starts shorty after.
Installing the Game
After executing the setup.exe this window appears - press the blue framed button
Next Step - accepting the terms and conditions:
Change the Installation Location to wherever you like:
When you have the right location (for example your gaming SSD like me) press next
Then finish the settings and press okay to start the installation:
Installation Process:
Installation Process is finished:
Your Folder should look like this or similar:
You are basically finished with Installing the Game. You go to to start the game, as you can read in the next paragraph.
Installing DX 9c and other stuff
Navigate to the Addon Folder
Install DX 9c since the game will spout a certain error message if you don't. Use the dxwebsetup.exe. If you need and VC/VS files install them as well but I doubt anyone needs these.
Sometimes you may want to re-install the game or re-locate the client. To do so basically rename your Bless Client folder to something else and then use a registry cleaner to clean the now invalid paths since you renamed the Client location.
Use your downloaded files and redo the installation process with the new location. Once the process is finished, delete the old client files and copy the up-to-date client files from your old location to the new one. If everything went right the game should start now from your new location.
As already said, please back up the setup files since you can use them later on. This also works for Clients from other people like downloading via Torrent or so. But with the setup you make sure everything get's set like Registry values, Firewall rules, etc.
In order to start the game almost all korean games require the game start from the official website. To start Bless go to:
It is best when you use Internet Explorer. Chrome and Firefox work too but IE works best or guaranteed.
The order (normally) with Bless is the following:
- Login at the official site
- Connect to your VPN to get a Korean IP
- Start the game
- If a patch is available you can disconnect from the VPN since it boosts the speed of your DL however GameGuard will then spout an error message if you have a non-korean IP. If it is a small patch you can leave your VPN connection. If you have to patch more files you may have to start the game twice.
- After Patching is done and nothing occurred Game Guard will patch itself and check if everything's okay
- When Game Guard finished authenticating you can disconnect from your VPN
- Splash Screen appears and Game Loads
- Play
Choose the account type you have and log in with your account information
If you are a new user there is no character inforamtion besides your account name.
If you choose Union (like me) everything changes to the redish theme. If you chose Hieron you have a blueish theme.
Starting the Game
As already said - after login you have to connect to your VPN and then press the green circled letters (Game Start)
Starting up the game for the first time will require you to install the PstallSetup.exe
You have to install it and allow it you communicate through your firewall (if that is necessary).
Other than that when everything is finished you will get a message (pop-up message from your browser) which will tell you that the setup is finished and you have to run the game again.
Whenever you want to run a game a session is created. So when you close your game or get a disconnect or in the case of the setup you have to refresh your browser to start a new session. Simple as that.
When everything went right, your active windows should minimize and in the System Tray there you be the Pmang Icon from the Pmang Launcher:
Patching the Game
The game usually patches like any other patcher. You can disconnect form the VPN to get a better download speed, however you have to start a new session and restart the game since your ip changed and the pis launcher will spout out an error if you disconnect from your vpn while patching.
After a possible patch Game Guard will update itself and will perform a check, then authenticate and your the splash screen will appear:
Bless should then take a while to start up. After that you should be able to get to the server selection and well... do your thing.
Since Bless suffers from some FPS problems Xenonino posted a fix for that problem:
Pmang Cash Shop Currency
You can buy the Pmang Cash Shop Currency on Newgameway for example if you go to Bless -> Item Shop Tab or go to OBTGame:…k-squad-ava-bless-sf.html
There are also guides on how to charge these points from your own Credit Card but I never really figured these guides out or they were already old so yeah...
Cash Shop
The official URL of the shop is:
The content of the shop is:
- Limited Sales like - Get a Unique Mount + Premium Service for a reduced price
- Premium Service
- Gems for the ingame shop
Ingame Gem Shop (Loumena Shop)
The ingame shop content consists of:
- Costumes and Rare/Unique Mounts
- Convenience Items like another skill deck, permanent/30 day gathering tools, Teleport Items
- Player Support Items like Peace Declaration, Purification Items, Skill Books (the same as if you would buy them from the Instructor just that you don't have to spend money on it)
- Mount stuff (didn't bother with it)
- Other things like lucky bags with Potions, etc. in it
Premium Service
Service | Purple | Blue | Green |
Daily Gem Charge | 120 | 80 | 60 |
Inventory Expansion | Yes | Yes | Yes |
5th Skill Deck | Yes | Yes | No |
Free Transportation (Wyvern, etc.) | Yes | No | No |
90 Day Cost | ₩11.800 | ₩23.600 |
₩47.800 |
30 Day Cost | ₩5.000 | ₩9.800 |
₩19.800 |
7 Day Cost | ₩2.100 | - | - |
When you purchase something in the Store (VIP, Gems or any other Package) you have to claim it ingame on your character. VIP and Gems are character based not account based, keep that in mind.
The post was edited 17 times, last by Nito ().