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Maveras -
Replied to the thread Guildas Brasileiras.
PostQuote from Blueberry: “Check this guys out maybe?/ Talvez esse post tenha interesse? Guilda ou um Grupo? ” Sim eu dei uma olhada neste outro tópico, porem pelo que parece meus objetivos/interesses são bem diferentes -
Blueberry -
Replied to the thread Guildas Brasileiras.
PostCheck this guys out maybe?/ Talvez esse post tenha interesse? Guilda ou um Grupo? -
Maveras -
Posted the thread Guildas Brasileiras.
ThreadPrimeiramente boa tarde a todos. Estou chegando agora no cenário do bless online e pelo que vi este e um jogo que se foca fortemente em G vs G, desta forma gostaria de saber se existe alguma guilda br se preparando para o lançamento do beta -
Lindelle -
Has received trophy For the Federation!
User TrophyMember of the Union Federation. With their military alliance they fight the Holy Empire from the north. -
Pentrep -
Replied to the thread [Topic of the month] Premium Service.
PostQuote from Organic: “I think ESO offers the best perk of any premium service out there: unlimited crafting mats space with unlimited craft mat stack size. I pay my $15/mo for that alone as it's a massive time saver. Things like 10% more… -
Pentrep -
Replied to the thread Pay to Win - What goes?.
PostThe problem of P2W also brings up the issue of whales. There are those people obviously who will pay to get ahead in a game just to be the best in it. Avoiding the whole P2W concept should eliminate the problems that come with whales and the potential of… -
Pentrep -
Replied to the thread Since a B2P model has been announced can we discuss options?.
PostQuote from Organic: “The GW2 model to me seems pretty fair. It could be argued that having permanent gathering tools is a nice advantage, but it's definitely not P2W. However, you can literally buy gold through cash and I'm not sure how I feel about… -
Pentrep -
Replied to the thread Content Competitive PVE.
PostTalking about the whole competitive idea/spirit brings up the question on whether or not Bless will pursue Esports at all. I'm going to out on a limb and say no but the fact this is a PvP oriented game lends itself to the possibility of it happening. -
Pentrep -
Replied to the thread Increase of Pet/Mount Storage.
PostQuote from QcDiablo: “Quote from Pentrep: “I didn't know this. Thanks for sharing! How hard is it to increase taming level? ” It's been a long time since I played Bless, but I think the first level requires 135 EXP, and each pet/mount tamed gives…