Anyone have any Paladin pvp footage?

      I dont have any Footage recorded, but what I can say, is, that I play a lot of PvP, and always have a look on the ranking at the end. Paladin are always very high in ranking, same as Berserkers, normally Paladins have no Kills, so they go on full heal. Stay inside the Zerg and Heal what you can :), Especially with AOE Heal and Protection Skills, you will be fine.
      Better is, find a group and heal them with single target heal, too.
      My friend go with Level 43 Paladin in PvP first time, and leave with rank 15 from 100. Its very easy.
      My experience is still limited but so far, in open world solo pvp, it feels like a cleric in healing spec build in aion, if you played it.

      Very sturdy and hard to kill, but on the other hand if you attack someone and there is a safe camp near and they feel like escaping you won't be able to kill them before they reach the safe camp. Some matches feel like a draw also, I've fought some guardians and other paladins and after a good while none of us were going down.

      For solo open world I have been caught with the judge and the paladin cores so far, didn't experience the cleric core for that situation yet.

      My usual build is blow, retaliation, referee, enforcement, healing bright, sentence, chains of retaliation and trust*.
      Passives are peace, offering and avid investigators or peace, affection and rescuer when I want to be a little more durable.
      Reactives are conviction and flash of confession.

      *Trust it's there because the majority of encounters so far were found while farming/questing, and trust it's nice for aoe farming, if I had to choose a skill just for pvp i'd take Transcendence instead.

      My basic strategy is to keep the enemy debuffed with the core skill and stack dots with enforcement, referee and retaliation.
      If my opponent is kiting me I use chains of retaliation and sentence to stop them for a few seconds and stack the close range attacks before they start kiting again and once they start to kite again I keep chasing them spamming referee until chains of retaliation and sentence are off cooldown to stop them again.
      If my opponent is the one chasing me, like assassins or berserkers, I save chains of retaliation and sentence to gain seconds to breathe and heal up If needed, and keep lowering their health slowly while briefly kiting them, specially with the paladin core since the dots keep doing damage while they chase me, and let them close the gap when I need to refresh the dots timer with discipline.

      On RvR i’m kinda lost still, since you aren’t put in party/allegiance with anyone else if you enter solo it’s hard to see others health and single target heal them, it's too chaotic. I also don’t feel like I have enough damage or mitigation to stay in the frontline as judge or paladin, so I stick to the cleric core and stay back supporting.

      My build for this is retaliation(changed blow), healing light, healing bright, healing grace, healing watch, plea of sacrifice, transcendence and wrath of god.
      Passives are peace, sacred and, grace ratio waves.
      Reactives are flash of confession and magic absorption.

      Basically I stay in the middle line spamming aoe heals and aoe regens through the passive, buff the people around with wrath of god when they are going to push and then move to the backline and aoe heal with plea of sacrifice, heal myself up and repeat.
      If I get caught by the zerg I pop transcendence and try to escape while healing myself on the run, between this and the sacred passive you can usually escape, too bad that it’s cooldown it’s too long :/

      P.S: One thing that you will like about paladins is that they wear plate :)