Hello There,
I'm huge fan of Archer/Ranger, I played Archer/Ranger since PWI, than when I play ESO, I go Bow PvP build.
Now, Bless Out, EA Lunch face a lot of Issue and Server Problems. I felt like it's not bad for EA.
Due to Skill Rework and News Combat System I would like to start Thread about Ranger Skill Build FAQ.
Thanks advance for your Contribution.
- Which Stance should I choose for First Stance & Second Stance for PVP, PvE ( Dung, Boss Ride) and WHY?
- Which Non Stance Skill Should I use?
- What Fatal Chance Means?(Now Skill description correct to Crit Chance) Should I go Crit Chance or Increase Damage in Skill Growth
- What is your fav combo for PvP?
My Current Combo (Use in just 5 x OW PvP fight and RvR : ND> Focus Attack > 2>TT(Switch stance) 3,TT(Switch Stance)*Incase of enemy close) 1, TT - Please which Pet Skill should use in PvP
- What is the basic understanding (or) role of Ranger In PvP, 3v3, Open World, GvG, RvR.
kOth, Ranger, S-Elf, NA-Murabi, Guild-less