Upcoming Content Update

    • Upcoming Content Update

      Official Source: Click me!

      Thanks to Symeria!

      Good morning blessed ones.

      Today I'm gonna bring news about the content update next week - not sure whether they mean on the 12th or on the 19th - regarding the new hunting grounds: Basel gorge!

      Basel Gorge is located next to the Siege of Strasbourg/Strahan Battlefield

      The whole area is filled with Elite Monsters so you have to form a party in order to kill them.

      You can obtain different rewards but in the narrow engulfed paths it will be hard.
      It will be even harder since you can encounter the enemy faction.

      In order to stop the forces of hobgoblins spawing in the Basel gorge each faction need to recruit players. The area has been transformed from an ancient battlefield to a new hunting ground where you can obtain honor, exp and many different rewards.

      The entrance consists of a camp each faction erected. Besides hobgoblins very strong boss monsters are spawning within the depth of the mountains.

      Unlike the Strasbourg/Strahan Battlefield the Basel Gorge is no administered zone which means you can enter the zone from the normal field and leave it also.

      Basel Gorge is also accessible from both sides so you have to protect your faction base also. In order to win rewards you must overcome the enemies.

      Boss Monster which wait for you


      You can obtain Epic Jewelry Materials:

      (These can be also obtain by killing the world bosses)

      In addition you can get rare and epic weapons and armors on lvl 45.

      Since this area is open to all players it enables you to obtain honor and production materials and gives you another opportunity to get World Boss Raid Materials and Siege of Strasbourg/Strahan rewards (<- not sure on this one).

      The content update will get to you soon. We will notify you with a schedule as usual.

      My two cents:

      I'm not sure how this whole thing works. Do you have to defeat the enemy camp to "win" this thing? Will monsters spawn in waves and you have to protect your camp while weaken the enemy camp? Are these monsters and bosses static and you basically have to kill it before the enemy does it?
      This whole post is more confusing than anything else. About the rewards - well pretty idiotic to add World Boss rewards to the hunting ground, I mean why should I bother and join the Zombie Fest/Death Parade beside the PvP Fun?

      Well I'm a little disappointed right now but well... if there are any news I'll update this post

      If anyone has a better translation - feel free to post it. Im tired and don'T really care at the moment

      Post was edited 3 times, last by Nito ().

    • It is basicaly 45 elite zone with unlimited access for both factions... On top-right and on bottom-right, I suppose, are places where bosses are spawned. They are talking about 3 groups content, it seems that elites will be really strong... About rewards: I´m not sure if in the current state of the game are any different rewards which would lure players into such zone :(
    • WoGGhA wrote:

      It is basicaly 45 elite zone with unlimited access for both factions... On top-right and on bottom-right, I suppose, are places where bosses are spawned. They are talking about 3 groups content, it seems that elites will be really strong... About rewards: I´m not sure if in the current state of the game are any different rewards which would lure players into such zone :(

      the world boss rewards will draw some people in since the world boss events are limited to 200 players in total per instanced area and limited to 1 time per day. So these might attract those who didn't have the time/opportunity to in the WB raid.
      Other than that I think the other rewards such as lvl 45 equipment and materials and possibly the PvP rewards (Honor Medals, etc.) will also play a role in that.

      To me - if you can really earn PvP rewards - depending on your PvP rank of course then this is far better than the senseless 100 vs 100 battleground where maybe 110 players per faction can play twice a day.
    • Nito wrote:

      the world boss rewards will draw some people in since the world boss events are limited to 200 players in total per instanced area and limited to 1 time per day. So these might attract those who didn't have the time/opportunity to in the WB raid.

      lol - don´t know that newly added worldbosses are in instanced zone (FAIL).. thx