
      Just ignore Brian who began flaming during a discussion - he is one of those people who if he isn't right his world ends so he creates assumptions and starts lashing out

      Probably for the best to delete this entire thread to cover up that personality

      FYI Brian I've held top ranks on many games in PvP and PvE - lash all you want bro

      Txt wrote:

      FYI Brian I've held top ranks on many games in PvP and PvE - lash all you want bro

      There is ranking system for PvE in some MMORPG? If yes MMORPG creation is going the wrong way.
      I really wanna see in what game the "PvP" ranking system matters... in Aion it did not show anything, in ArcheAge it did not show anything, but i am sure you are happy to think you are anything top tier with some arena ranking system. xD

      Txt wrote:

      FYI Brian I've held top ranks on many games in PvP and PvE - lash all you want bro
      So you are just a number... i have pity.. really..

      When you will have an enteire alliance that will clap his hands and say "good work" because you saved the day/the castle/the war/the territory property/ whatever you want insert here, then you may be able to talk to me about what is PvP.

      When you will be a player that everyone remember for your ACTIONS with a NAME instead of a being just a number, let me know..

      PvP is not about being a number, like you proudly show off....PvP is being a hero that everyone remember trought the years because you was able to "save the day" of your alliance/faction.

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |

      Txt wrote:

      Clearly you lack the information to comment - you've become nothing but a troll

      Another flamer joins the ranks talking with assumptions
      Definitelly.. i just have more than 14y of mmorpg experience of any kind and type on my shoulders...

      I'll go to cry on the troll corner, plis leave me alone now...

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |

      jull wrote:

      Is there any admins in that forum ? 8|

      This guy is a fucking troll.
      And based on what i should be a troll? I'm serious. Or all the blabbling about "you are mean to our opinions" work only into one side?

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |
      @ brian

      sweet jesus dude lol u needa chill

      1st of all no one cares if u like or dislike pvp if u don't like it don't do it simple, if your bad at it then work on it to get good lol
      2nd no matter how many years of mmo experience u have at the end of the day no one cares and that's a fact if u have friends to play with play with them don't bitch n whine on forums
      3rd your definition of a mmo is wrong mmo simply means its a massive multiplayer online game which means many ppl play it its got nothing to do with how much pve or pvp it has
      4th every mmorpg that's come out has pvp small and large scale maybe a few shit ones dont but games like ff14 even brought pvp in 5v5 and the 72 man it has no open world
      5th arenas test skill on a higher level then a large scale battle like a 100v100, in arenas u work together with your team mates ie 3s or 5s and pull off combos most of which wont work in a zerk
      6th no shit you would cover your guild mates in open world pvp thats the point?
      7th honestly get good iv read all the shit you have wrote on this post and it gives me the shits if your bad at pvp suck it up n move on stop your whining
      8th it says your on the opposing faction to us ? i sure as hell hope to see u in 100v100 or in open world cause id love to show you how to really pvp buddy

      and last of all loooooooooookin forward to these 3v3s ! and bgs fellas !

      Snapyb wrote:

      1st of all no one cares if u like or dislike pvp if u don't like it don't do it simple, if your bad at it then work on it to get good lol
      You shouted out all this text wall without understand nothing.

      I don't love PvP? What? Did you ever read at least 1phrase i wrote? really... omg

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |

      Bryan Fury wrote:

      What a disgrace..

      All your posts on this thread and the one about 1v1 clips literally all amounts to one simple thing... you're bitter. You're bitter because you most likely had a bad experience with small scale/arenas/1v1s etc in a different game.
      What you need to do is get some ointment for that butthurt alright? otherwise you'll be destined to continue splerg zerging. <3

      Q_Q kys

      Post was edited 1 time, last by “Hollow” ().

      Hollow wrote:

      Bryan Fury wrote:

      What a disgrace..

      All your posts on this thread and the one about 1v1 clips literally all amounts to one simple thing... you're bitter. You're bitter because you most likely had a bad experience with small scale/arenas/1v1s etc in a different game.
      What you need to do is get some ointment for that butthurt alright? otherwise you'll be destined to continue splerg zerging. <3

      Q_Q kys
      Oh jesus christ... another carebear of the arena is coming out on the sun to defend the toy i talked against..

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |

      Snapyb wrote:

      lol u keep using carebear in the wrong situation carebear is used in reference to ppl who do not like to pvp.

      but i completely agree with hallow :D he def butthurt bout getting rekt in some game
      Ok, if you believe so keep it going, i know what i'm talking about ;)

      BryanFury - Leader | Clan Website | Clan Forum | Clan Facebook Page |