<Pure Luck> (Looking for hardcore PvPers for NA release)

    • <Pure Luck> (Looking for hardcore PvPers for NA release)

      <Pure Luck> is recruiting active players looking to join the North American server on it’s release. We primarily focus on PvP and Siege type content and we’re looking for competent PvP players to join us. We require that our people know how to be self-sufficient when necessary, and we aren’t interested in hand-holding.

      We require a commitment to PvP activity when online so that the guild can achieve milestones such as Sieges, World Bosses, and GvG's. Our guild was created by a team of people who have end game experience in Korea. We have a history in working together on multiple MMO's such as Aion, Archeage, Black Desert, and Elder Scrolls Online.

      A few details:
      -Extensively experienced bless and it’s inner-workings.
      -Events such as world bosses and sieges are already included into our daily routine in Korea.
      -Researched most of the end-game content/dungeons along with how most of the mechanics work.
      -We are prepared for whatever comes at us for NA launch such as a detailed plan and important goals that members need to aim for.
      -Focused around on capital city and 100v100 sieges. (Mass PvP content where it matters to get the best gear)

      What is expected:
      *Discord is strictly required.
      *We will be playing Union.

      *We will have a strict class composition for the guild. This is to ensure victory in PvP:
      -Guardian (Need around 10% in the guild)
      -Berserker (We want many of you! This class will make up at least 30-40%)
      -Paladin/Mystic (We love our healers. Need roughly 20% in the guild)
      -Mage (Need about 20%)
      -Ranger (Need around 15%)
      -Assassin (Only need 5%. Must be experienced with playing assassin classes in mmo's)
      (This is the ideal group comp. The situation may change in the future. This is to give the player what classes we are mostly looking for).

      This is a long-term guild; we’re looking to launch fresh and stick with Bless for the foreseeable future. We need people who want to stick around and who don’t start drama or let drama affect them.

      While we wait for Bless to release to NA, we are playing the Korean version. We have our Bless-Discord server up and running. If you’d like more information, send the guild leaders or officers a private message in Discord. discord.gg/Fj5THtS

      The post was edited 12 times, last by Korealer ().

    • There are more english speaking people every week who are trying out KR-bless. So if anyone is interested in playing it, now's the time! Can experience and learn the dungeons with us.
    • **UPDATE:**

      I do have 2 KR accounts for people to borrow or give away to use. Anyone from the NA area that is a hardcore pvper who want to try out bless with us, send us a PM in discord.
    • We will be experiencing all of the new content that Korea brings us, all the way till NA launch (And possibly beyond). This is to ensure our member's are never behind in gear or runes.

      We want what is best for the guild so we can get end-game gear quickly, to pvp more.
    Peria Chronicles