Interim Games (RoI & TS)

    • Interim Games (RoI & TS)

      I'm a shallow person. I've freely admitted this! I pick my characters based on the mount I want, the armor that goes with the mount, and the class that matches that armor. I feel no shame in this. Every mount deserves a well-put-together rider.

      So, when I went into Riders of Icarus I expected to enjoy it. An MMO that encouraged player interaction - with bonuses for parties - and allthe mounts your wallet would let you collect! But there were two things that really got in my way as far as enjoyment:

      1. I didn't like my character. The men were ... not very good, IMO. Delicate faces with generic buff bodies that didn't look like they matched; and beards that looked like they were glued on costumes from a middle school play. The women all looked the same, and there was no blonde. A small thing, but it still bothered me. I just couldn't make a character I liked.
      2. Names. In a big game it's hard to get names you like, that's a given. But the fact that names, once the character is deleted, are pretty much gone for good is annoying. And the names are server-wide. Use 2Blue2Blue2Blue on one server and it's gone on all three. If you delete the character, even if they're still level one, the name's gone for good ... oh, unless you want to pay real money to get it back.
      So, other than not being able to make a character I was happy with - and my disgust of their dealing with deleted names, I did enjoy the game. It was adequate at entertaining me.

      Then there's Twin Saga.

      Oh, where to start.

      1. Character creation is from the 90s. 8 faces, 8 hairstyles, 4 skin colors and 10 hair colors. Oh, but there are 15 or so eye colors! Grand Fantasia - from 2001 - had a better character creation
      2. The graphics are bad. Only my opinion, but it feels like a game for kids or pre-teens. Everything is a badly drawn cartoon with no personality; derivative and bland.
      3. It's an ARPG pretending to be an MMO. If you're in a party you will share neither xp nor kills. Not even drops. You can solo the dungeons fairly easily, which means you have no need of a party at all. I hate that. if I want an ARPG I'll go with Path of Exile.
      I feel peeved because there's no game to entertain me at the moment and Bless is taking its sweet time.
    • I got invited to the Twin Saga closed beta today. I can't even play it. Downloader keeps crashing with a big red X (assuming meaning error) and just the number "5" next to it. The forums mention nothing about it that I could find (doesn't help I can't search the forums for "5" because it's too short). Even the Minimum Client thingie on the forums crashes with same error. The JP version worked fine though and uses seemingly the same launcher, so this is something AG apparently messed up in transition. Agree with you on the JP version though, not a good game really. Screams cash-in in the sense of the developers really just sat down and thought "Hey, let's make the lowest budget MMO possible!". The only unique aspect of it is that it's the only MMORPG I know of with a true overworld map, ala Chrono Trigger. While interesting for an MMORPG to have that, it's not remotely good enough of a unique feature to save the game.

      My interim game has been FFXIV for the last 2/3 months, pretty casual playing (Highest level is 41). I've been thinking on maybe doing Elder Scrolls Online for PS4 also now that today marks the addition of true text chat for consoles, but I'm unsure when I'd actually be able to get it since my ISP caps at 150GB/month and the game is about 73GB to download in all (game and patches).

      Non MMO-side I've been replaying all 4 of the Sly Cooper games on PS3. Likely will finally play Tales of Zesteria (PS4) sometime soon too.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Zazaaji ().

    • Twin Saga ... isn't worth it. The cut scenes last forever ... because you want to hear every single sentence. The quest dialogue lasts eight or nine pages which you can't skip. Because surely you want to read about the Mayor shaking his head because someone does something with pumpkins.

      It's clunky and just not good enough.

      Maybe Aeria bought it as something shiny to throw at people while they worked on Bless?

      I kind of liked ESO, minus the lack of a party mechanic. I mean, you could party but ... why would you? Neither quests, nor loot, nor kills was shared, which meant it was just a more social ARPG. A nice one, though. (Unlike Twin Saga, which I'm still miffed at.)
    • For me it's hard to play a game with friends when things like xp and kills aren't counted. Not because I like to leech of people - or like it when they leech off me - but it feels less like an MMO and more like an ARPG. Why stick to the same quests or the same maps when some people get done faster than others? It's a personal thing and I do acknowledge that.

      But really, Twin Saga just ... isn't a fun game. It's dated and I didn't enjoy it. But if other people did, kudos to them.
    • tamberleigh wrote:

      For me it's hard to play a game with friends when things like xp and kills aren't counted. Not because I like to leech of people - or like it when they leech off me - but it feels less like an MMO and more like an ARPG. Why stick to the same quests or the same maps when some people get done faster than others? It's a personal thing and I do acknowledge that.

      But really, Twin Saga just ... isn't a fun game. It's dated and I didn't enjoy it. But if other people did, kudos to them.
      Still gotta admit it's usually more fun to play with someone then playing alone, no? :P

      But yeah, I see what you mean... and what you say is true yep: "Why stick to the same quests or the same maps when some people get done faster than others? It's a personal thing and I do acknowledge that."

      On my case I must admit I usually take much more time then some people since I read every single quest closely and even when for example lets imagine there's a quest to kill 10 mobs... I tend to kill 20 just for extra EXP :D
    • Depending on the class - and how fun their skills are - I might kill lots more just to make things go boom, haha. I love getting big groups and AoEing ... it's drop quests that really get on my nerves. One of us gets all their drops in the first five minutes and the other person gets nothing for half an hour! But that's just RNG and an excuse to make more monsters go boom.
    • tamberleigh wrote:

      It's drop quests that really get on my nerves. One of us gets all their drops in the first five minutes and the other person gets nothing for half an hour! But that's just RNG and an excuse to make more monsters go boom.
      Yep, on that I can totally agree with you but yeah.. not sure if you're talking about MMORPGs in general or specific to Bless since I installed Bless yesterday (Korean version) but still didn't got time to try it :whistling: