
    • There is no book or anything this game is based on.
      Seriously AllVirtueLive - You are INSANELY early asking this. As tamber said, the game just came into open Beta in Korea only in January, and it's not even in beta for EU/NA yet.
    • No, there won't be a Bless sequel. Bless is the last PC mmorpg project from Neowiz (I read some articles about it but not sure what their exact plan is)

      Also Bless isn't a single player RPG. Mmos don't get a sequel
    • Nito wrote:

      No, there won't be a Bless sequel. Bless is the last PC mmorpg project from Neowiz (I read some articles about it but not sure what their exact plan is)

      Also Bless isn't a single player RPG. Mmos don't get a sequel

      1 - Final Fantasy for NES was considered the maker's final game while making it. You can see how that ended.
      2 - Guild Wars 2, Lineage 2, Everquest 2, etc. All are MMO sequels to MMO originals. If a game is popular enough it'll get a sequel, regardless of genre.

      Don't get me wrong, it's FAAAAR to early to even remotely think of a sequel to Bless.
      Just don't say it's completely impossible because it was originally planned to be the last game they make nor because it's an MMO. Both have been proven very wrong with past games franchises.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Zazaaji ().

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