IronCircle English Guild

      IronCircle English Guild


      Guild Name: IronCircle

      Guild Boss: Aleran
      Leadership: Aleran & Morigan

      Server: 바라카 Baraka
      Favorite Fraction: UNION
      Langue: English
      Minimum character lvl required: 10lvl
      Guild LVL: 2

      If you want to join a good guild community, please let us know.
      Whisper chat: /w Aleran text or /w Morigan text
      Or send game mail to: Aleran or Morigan

      or send an post here: Character name :)
      Everybody is welcome ;) :love: <3


      Éljen Magyarország és a Bless :) :love: <3

      Post was edited 3 times, last by “Tauriel” ().


      We have only been kicking people who go away more than 3 days. The Guild will only level with active members, once we hit the Lv 3 mark which allows 30 members I don't mind letting people go longer periods without logging in. This early in the game we need all the active members so we can level the Guild the quickest. We apologize for the inconvenience, I had to kick a friend of mine because he was 4 days running.

      By the way, I am Aleran!

      Jump on TeamSpeak3 and we'll get everyone sorted when we hit level 3.
      Pass: ticguild

      I will be posting our Guild info under here since Ridrith our BDO Guild Leader is not yet in Bless. The Iron Circle was created by Ridrith and our Guild Charter in Black Desert Online is ran by Ridrith, our Bless Charter is ran by me (Aleran).

      Post was edited 3 times, last by “Blindfury” ().


      "We talk the path of power, unafraid and unshaken by the masses
      driven before us. The Iron Circle. We are unbreakable. We shall not be
      denied. Greatness is our destiny and the glory that comes with the
      slaying of the savages who threaten Spezia will be our ultimate
      reward." ~ Warpriest Tahril, Keeper of the Faith.

      Maybe you're in it for the coin. Maybe it's the excitement. Maybe, just maybe,
      it's because you know you'll be pushed beyond your limits and brought
      to a moment when you must either destroy your weaknesses utterly or be
      broken. It's inconsequential. The Iron Circle calls to you. Those who
      join the guild are trained in well-guarded techniques, stances and
      disciplines. As a result, they tend to think and act differently than
      other adventurers. The Circle's full-blooded members are relentless
      huntsmen of the battlefield, often singling out and isolating individual
      enemies before joining to quickly destroy their chosen target. Then the
      process begins anew... The mindset of an Iron Circle mercenary is that
      of a ravenous wolf in battle - single out a foe and overwhelm him

      It should be noted that outside of Spezia the Iron Circle is not a well-liked
      or trusted organization. In many territories across the region, the locals may
      outright be hostile to one openly displaying guildcolors. Proceed with caution,
      good aligned characters - your morals and ethics may be bent, and you will
      have to make hard choices. Members can be of any denomination, religion or
      alignment, but as the nature of the Iron Circle is, the life of a full-blooded
      member is one that can tax the soul and challenge an adventurer's perception
      of right and wrong.

      Recruitment is done all throughout Spezia and other Union Territories - the guild, however,
      is confined to Spezia and it's outlying lands. Infrequently contacts in
      Hierakon and other regions far outside of the boundaries of these war-torn
      countries may contact the Iron Circle and recruits will be brought
      across the sea as well.

      "Your service in the Iron Circle has rendered you immune to fear
      and supremely confident. You will fearlessly stampede across the
      battlefield, sprinting from foe to foe in a blood-spattered carnage. You
      know when to get stuck in for the long haul. Once you've got hold of
      your target, you will relentlessly tear into him until there is nothing
      left - a manifestation of our brutal desires. Softer men will hide
      behind their defenses when faced with an onslaught of our Iron
      Legionnaires. You will not give them this mercy. Each and every one of
      you has trained for years in grueling conditions, a brutal regime that
      has caused you to adapt an uncanny level of agility and acrobatic
      prowess even under heavy loads - you will effortlessly bound over traps,
      slip past barricades and, barring any act of divine intervention, smash
      straight through to get to our enemies. Do not fail me. That is the
      only warning you will receive." ~ Ridrith Mavewyn, Iron Warlord.

      It is expected that everyone in the guild to be able to handle mature
      content. As can be expected from the theme of the guild – a group of
      mercenaries who will take whatever measures necessary to defend Spezia
      and make a fortune in the process – The Iron Circle will go over some
      dark stuff. Drug use, sexuality, gore and the like would not be unusual.
      It’s much closer to say that we encourage a more dark/macabre
      atmosphere than your usual roleplaying guild. Whereas the typical
      fantasy RP guild is comparable to a Forgotten Realms novel, we are much
      closer to George R. R. Martin and R. Scott Baker. If you are comfortable
      with them, then chances are you would do well with the Iron Circle.
      However, if you find the darker side of humanity to be something you are
      not comfortable with, then the Iron Circle is not for you. It should be
      noted that we are NOT an 'evil' guild, good and evil are subjective
      terms and should be treated as such.

      As we have mentioned in the opening paragraph, the Iron Circle is not
      your usual run of the mill guild. There are individual characters that, just
      would not work well with us. The childishly naive, the simple minded, and
      those whose only purpose is to be comic relief are a few examples. When
      thinking of joining us, ask yourself this: “If my character was alive in the Middle
      Ages, is it likely that he/she would join a group of highly trained and
      disciplined mercenaries who swear no allegiance to any individual nation
      or faction but their own." If your answer is no, then this is not the
      guild for your character.

      "By pierced heart or decimated flesh, victory will be ours!" - Roaring Spears Mantra.

      The Iron Circle is going to be taking part in PvP, given the nature of
      Bless Online, it's actually going to be one of the primary
      focuses for the guild outside of role-playing. Members are expected to
      take part in PvP events or to be prepared to assist allied guilds. We
      will have a KoS (Kill on Sight) listed on our forums for enemy guilds
      and well-known griefers/bandits, etc. We do have a code of conduct,
      however, so please keep that in mind when joining. We are not a ganking
      guild. We are not a bandit guild. With that in mind though should we
      come across a group who acts outside of our code of conduct or is well
      known for causing grief to roleplayers and non-roleplayers alike, we'll
      just simply ignore it and take care of business.

      Code of Conduct:

      No Griefing. Griefing is defined as the continued ganking and killing of
      an enemy combatant, especially one that is obviously not your match in
      PvP. "They were doing it to me" is not justification for us doing it.
      This is a cycle of frustration and ill will towards the gaming community
      that we do not need to perpetuate.

      No Corpse Camping. Kill and move on. Killing enemies at a resurrection
      point is a dishonorable and obnoxious practice, do not do it. We're
      looking to foster a community filled with friendly competition and fairness.

      Honor your enemies as you honor your allies. Avoid disrespectful behavior
      towards enemy combatants. This includes spitting emotes, taunting or any
      other behavior designed to demean and insult. You represent our guild not
      only to our faction but those on the other continent as well.

      Allow your enemies to flee in fear, if the enemy is making an apparent attempt
      at escaping or simply aren't looking for a fight then enable them to do
      so. If they look like they're merely waiting around for the 'right'
      time to jump into a fight when the odds are stacked against you or your
      group, destroy them without mercy.

      Written by: Ridrith Mavewyn, Iron Warlord.
      Posted by: Aleran Blindfury AKA Elminster Aumar, Iron Arch-mage

      Post was edited 2 times, last by “Blindfury” ().