Preview of Warlock Skills - Open Beta

    • Preview of Warlock Skills - Open Beta

      NOTE: Warlock and Mystic are not yet released, so these skills are subject to change in the future.

      Shadow Arrow
      : Cast a shadow arrow that inflicts X magic damage and applies a curse

      Summoning: Summons a servitor.

      Vigor Extraction: Absorb a % of enemy HP, another action interrupts the casting.

      Curse Of Bane: Curses the enemy to inflict a total of X magic damage over 10 seconds and the enemy will receive 10% additional damage while the effect lasts.

      Oppression: Curses the enemy to reduce attack speed and movement speed by 50% for a certain duration.

      Disease: A curse on enemies within 9m radius that inflicts X amount of damage every second over 10 seconds.

      Energy Sphere Consume Mode: Consume a "desperation fragment" to apply an additional effect to a skill.

      Blood Feast: Applies a bleeding effect to enemies within the radius that recovers Warlock's HP

      Time Bomb: Your servitor will soak damage and then will explode, the damage is based on the number of accumulated "fragments"

      Madness: Increases servitor's damage and then it will attack any nearby target.

      Blood Fog: Casts a Blood Fog around the Warlock that reduces enemies accuracy

      Life Recharge: Heals the servitor. Another action interrupts the casting.

      Summon Explosion: Your servitor will explode, this skill is linked with Time Bomb.

      Order Of Generating Desperation: Consumes servitor HP to create a certain number of "desperation fragments"

      Order Of Spread Mode: Your servitor will trasform in a Spirit or Shadow Form, in this state your servitor will be vulnerable (don't know exactly what does this skill)

      Tie: Transfer a certain amount of damage to the servitor. Each time it consumes "desperation fragments"

      Inject Poison: Inflicts magic damage, and X amount of magic damage every 2 seconds over 10 seconds.

      Vigor of Darkness: Increase Warlock's movement speed by 25%

      The post was edited 9 times, last by vegax87 ().