RU OBT "What to expect".

    • RU OBT "What to expect".

      Hey, a quick translation of the 101xp OBT announcement page describing what's to come in the OBT in December. You can view this translation and other Bless translations on my translations page! Source: mmorpg-bless.

      a/n: The combat system is still being reworked. The RU client will most likely be nearly identical to NA in beta, but the combat in the RU client is still the same old combat system that's currently on KR. NA will have a reworked combat system. Keep that in mind!

      All owners of the founder pack "Lust for Power" can start playing Bless on December 5th. Owners of the pack "Call of Battle" can start playing Bless on December 7th. Everyone else can start playing on December 8th for free, no packs required. Founder packs are still available for purchase.

      You will be able to download the client on December 2nd. If you played in the CBT, you can use your currently installed client after you let it update, you don't have to download a new client.

      What to expect in OBT?

      At the start of the Russian OBT players will be able to level their character to a cap of level 45. They will be able to play all content appropriate for this level, including dungeons for players at level 43, and the Basel Gorge RvR.

      Upon reaching level 45 players will be able to do daily quests called "King's orders" and receive good rewards in return. The auction house will be available for all players to use.

      The Russian OBT client will not have production points, however the gear enhancement system remains the same. The Rune system and other functionalities will be added later on in the Blazing Fire expansion.

      Additional information quoted from Asonusori, the 101xp Bless Community Manager (source: GoHa forum):

      We are planning to open the servers at 10:00 Moscow time. We will make a news post on our website detailing the schedule of daily activities.
      At the start of OBT there will be 2 servers. We will be opening them up depending on necessity.
      Players will be able to look into items available on the cash shop and the prices for Premium membership starting December 5th, as all this information will be available ingame and on our website.
      We are going to do our best to ensure that there are no login queues in OBT. Our servers can handle large numbers of people.
      The cash shop currency system will be slightly different from the way it was in our original client. We tried to make it more suitable for our players. The newer system will appear in the game a little later, but will account for all spendings from the very start of early access.
      The cash shop itself was partially reworked, as it now carries some items from the expansion. More items will be added as our client will be nearing the Blazing Fire content patch.
      At a date a little closer to the OBT we will publish detailed patch notes with all changes.
      You will receive your founder pack benefits and items the minute you log into the game. All items will appear in temporary storage and will remain there until you claim them. The time limit for those items remaining in item claim is 1 year from the minute you first log into the game.
      Founder packs will remain available for sale until December 4, 23:59 (11:59 PM) Moscow time. We will remind you about them later on.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Laufie ().

    • Krelik wrote:

      Will getting into the RU Bless be easier than the KR one. I'm having a really crap time trying to get into the Korean one with all the errors and such I come across. Is there a link to the RU bless website up yet? thanks.

      Do you have a VPN? You can find 101xp launcher for Bless here After that use your facebook profile to sign up. However, I am not sure if you can start downloading the game right away since 101xp stated that the client will be available for pre-download on 2th of December. And I can't be arsed to check for sure since I still got my CBT client on hard drive :X
      Sucks you wasted 25$ on KR version though.