Furia Admin 
- Member since Sep 29th 2017
- Last Activity
hello dear admin maybe you can help i cant activate my account im not getting my email. ive been waiting for it since yesterday and ive even requested a new one multiple times
Furia -
I've activated your account
Delete -
Delete my account pls
Joahalex -
Thanks for all you do. I appreciate it.
Furia, as a long time MMO player one theme I have found is that if there is any hint of a pay to win mechanic in the game, it reduces the player base longevity by a ton. Please I hope the dev's from KR keep this in mind. Purchasable content in game should be PURELY aesthetic and in no way impact your stats and character strength in game.
mrtkol -
i donwload russian version need a vpn to play and where can i find it
mrtkol -
can you tell me how can i play bless im from greece
iloverey -
hi, why delete my posts? i don't understand..
Zazaaji -
I see you added a seemingly permanent background to your posts (since I know you don't have the gems to buy it). Any chance me, vega, and Organic can get a forever theme too? Pretty please? 4,,
DGSwagg -
hello can i ask please i already install the game how to start it
Sharka -
Welcome to Bless-Source! There is still plenty of time before NA/EU release, but many English-speaking fans are already playing Bless on the Korean server. We would love more people to join in and help us test out endgame content. If you already have people to play with, that’s great! If not, there are plenty of friendly people on the forums willing to point you in the right direction. In the instance that you are searching for a competitive/organized Hieron Guild for NA launch, you are welcome to check out Clockwork @ cwork.enjin.com! Again, welcome! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Clockwork or Bless Online!
Drk -
Hey man I've been working on the english patch independent, with my guild , if you need someone completely dedicated to bless , hit me up !
Stryder -
Hi Furia. I sent you a pm in regard to open positions at Bless. Thanks.
bro i send you an email can you unser me plz
HaxGamer -
Iri01 -
I wish I too could play it , but if no English version of game ,,well
paphook -
Dear Furia, i have about 6 days trying find a way to play this game.. Is there any English version of it ? If you can help me about send me some info about please because i think its a really great game !!!! Also i am Leader of an old MMO team... All my members wait me to tell them about... We are old players started playing MMO from Lineage 13 years ago !!!!
jas1212 -
i can play this game if im.in middle east?
ZalostDevil -
Hello Admin.
When will the beta test will start?.And If It all ready Started I want to make a reviw of this game on Youtube and to make videos of it if you let me.