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Will this game be P2W just like all other Aeria Games?

    • Even in Korea the in game store is pretty fair by western standards. Aeria generally imports P2W elements from the Korean version, they don't often make up their own P2W schemes, and even then they are usually trying to alleviate the Korean system with their own. So with the original game not being designed with P2W in mind, I don't think there's much to worry about. Additionally, Bless is a themepark MMO with faction based PvP in zones over level 30 as well as structured PvP, not an easily breakable sandbox.
    • I think the biggest problem is that people don't know the difference between Pay2Win and Pay2Progress. First of all, there is no Pay2Win in (pure) PvE content, only Pay2Progress. Items that speedup your character progress doesn't help you win anything in PvE, it only gives the advantage that you have to play less to get more. It turns into Pay2Win though if you can use this advantage in PvP because you can use it to win against an opponent without any cashshop boosts.

      Some example:

      PvE/Gear doesn't matter in PvP MMO Type
      Gear in cashshop with stats -> Pay2Progress
      Trade real money for ingame currency -> Pay2Progress
      Experience Booster -> Pay2Progress

      PvP where gear matters MMO Type(Bless)
      Gear in cashshop with stats -> Pay2Win
      Costumes with extra stats for PvE only(Like +5% Damage against Monster) -> Pay2Progress
      Trade real money for ingame currencies -> Semi-Pay2Win(Depends on the sold currency)
      In Bless you have to farm different currencies(from dungeons, monsterhunting, pvp etc.) to craft your high-end gear so gold is not that important. But the korean version offers almost all currencies you need in the cashshop which shouldn't be a thing imo.
      Experience Booster -> Pay2Progress

      I've played many MMOs in the past years, also some from Aeria that had Pay2Progress only stuff in their cashshop but people still called it Pay2Win which is stupid as fuck. It might be my personal opinion but NOTHING is Pay2Win for me as long as it doesn't effects PvP. Why should i care if someone in my Dungeon Party has the cash shop Gear of Doom and Destruction with +5000% damage? I could get envy but that's not a reason to call the game P2W.

      I believe it's going to be pretty hard to turn Bless into a Pay2Win game in the first place because of it's game mechanics. The problem is even if Aeria adds PvE advantages only many kids will cry on social media and forums that the game is pure P2W and other kids will believe it and spread the word too.

      To get to the point...not everything that the mainstream considers as Pay2Win is Pay2Win. If there's gonna be stuff that gives you PvE advantage don't go full retard, it's totally fine.
    • We all need to remember that there are real people working on this game.
      The people that are highly skilled software engineers who did the effort to learn programming and they are earning money accurate to their qualifications.

      Game like Bless Online or any other MMO is nothing more than a business that need to bring more profit than loses so if we (community) will teach companies like Aeria or 101xp that we will be paying money to get costumes and xp boosters they will stick to it.

      But most of people are greedy and want to play for free so then these comapnies must take the steps it increase income (PvP Gear for real money) and game becomes p2w.

      So it does not matter what you do, you still are going to pay for the game. It is easier with games that do not require continous development (not multiplayer) because then they take all costs to produce game and expected profit and based on that they set the game price so then you buy game, end game and throw it to the bin or re-sell.

      Right here we need to pay for those developers salary every month so we need to pay every month for it. Ideal solution is "subscription" but business reality shown that p2w just brings more profit and more people.
    • well there are some articles about p2p vs. b2p vs. f2p and some chinese games which are designed to have a lifespan of several weeks to grab as much cash out of the game within the initial hype weeks but Bless isn't really cut for p2w schemes anyway.

      In all honesty - the cosmetics aside - I find it really hard to actually a load of money into the game. Sure you have the convenience items and the subscription which ultimately are not mandatory.

      Costumes with stats and the cash shop mounts are broken for about 2 to 3 weeks or so since I got a similar blue mount with I think 10% less movement speed and no real difference in mounting speed (and with a neat skill but I forgot what it was) so yeah.

      The bunny suit is a bit p2w as chasing enemy players is really easy with it, however as the costumes do not provide any combat relevant stats you can argue forth and against it.

      My biggest fear was the Flash Sale Shop where they put in materials (even high grade materials) for sale but there is a limit on how much materials you could buy so no real issue here either (for reference I think you could buy 5 or so PvP Medals but at this point I already have 50 of them so complete waste of gems) and you could also buy some basic materials you could gather in masses anyway so I'm not sure why they actually introduced the flash shop.

      And even if they put in literal gear (or materials) I wonder why people would spent money on that since gear isn't really hard to get anyway. I mean at a certain point the dungeons get harder but it's not really an impossible thing to do anyway. The only thing I found impossible was the white bird in the lvl 20 dungeon as I never really got the concept of what to do. Other than that the game is really fair - even with the ingame balance between casual and non-casual gamers.
    • I'd like to throw my two cents in the infinite P2W discussion...

      I can kind of understand were Furia is coming from but having had an history as competitive HC player (both PvP and PvE) I must disagree and here is why:

      I'd like to use as example TERA, after a certain patch (I do not remeber which one) they introduced the "Ghillieglade" solo dungeon (only for premium members basically) in this dungeon there was a really slim chance to drop pieces used to craft the best gears in game.

      THOSE pieces were supposed to be droped in "Sky Cruiser Endeavor HM" dungeon (SC HM), the most difficult one.

      My static was farming SC HM but when we succeded to clear the second boss we got the news that other two statics completed it .

      We were aiming to be the first to complete it in EU but we failed to do so cause those other two statics farmed "Ghillieglade", got the gear, plussed it to +15 and basically burned SC HM with the very same gear that was supposed to drop from the final boss there. They started to sell those items from SC HM and used the money to get the pieces for the PvP set.

      We all quitted the game after finishing once SC HM with the "normal gear". We were the third party to finish it but in my hearth I consider us the true first to complete SC HM in EU.

      Sad story...

      So please stop covering P2W shit in the P2P(rogress) golden paper.

      Pay to progress should only refer to XP boosts or level-up boosts for players with a character already at level cap. Every thing else is to various degrees P2W, the worse being full legendary sets in the shop or currency exchange.

      I'd like to only see XP boosts, level-up boosts (only fi you already have a character at max level) and cosmetics of course without stats (I'm looking at you BDO!).

      If I see anything else I may consider not even trying this game.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Kovas ().

    • and yes, exactly Kovas. Many people are just stupid and not looking into it deeper with an open mind. They just assume the smallest thing to be pay2win when in reality it isnt.

      I already made a reddit post about this, but i'll post it here just in case some people did not get a chance to read it. But i covered the cash shop part for Korea. And most NA games only get what KR gets, or a lesser-pay2win version of it. I've played many mmo's so it's not like im talking out of my ass on this subject. Ive been through it all. I also provided some screenshots of whats in the cash shop.…ss_cash_shop_and_what_to/
    • Hi,

      well, discuss it whenever/whatever you want ... We will see, what is fact, when the release in NA/EU is available. And also, yes it is Gamina for now and not Aeria.
      My problem is further: No comment from Gamina (not Aeria) for now about BLESS. In the past Aeria (Not Gamina) informed in a statement .. "the shopdesign is
      already done" - without any hint what is designed.

      The discussion about P2W is senseless ... an example: For a part of gamers it is P2W to can buy XP-Potions.

      Well, everything is a personal opinion. It is o.k. to discuss it but from my point of view: wait for the NA/EU- release and we will see. I hope some people from
      Gamina are also a part of the member here and study / read our comments.

      Meanwhile we should enjoy the game ... I loved it more and more (with all the little problems like: The length of the message you can type in in the chat, also
      no Guildhistory, and some more).


    • For me, the best system is pay for updates... As long as they continue to take care of the game and include new content they will always have some cash income... XP boost also not a problem for me because someday you will reach max level without it anyway...
      As for the items... Any item that is easy to get and sold at same time, makes no difference... The problem is to have difficult items in-game; selling on game-shop...
      en-game materials for craft => Not fair...
    • Here there is an explanation of the cash shop in Bless RU (similar to KR shop) so the conclusion is that is not p2w in those countries.

      Off course that,as it is a F2P game, there will be some items and exclusive costumes in the cash shop but overall is pretty fair.

      So the question is if Aeria games will keep the same or a similar cash shop. They promise something like that in this interview:…s-publisher-bless-online/

      " We want the game to be easily accessible to everyone. That is why the monetization items would be mainly pure convenience or vanity items." So I hope they keep that promise...