Camera, and movement operation

    • Camera, and movement operation

      Is there anyway to change the movement operation to the normal way? aka WASD as it suppose to be and not the way they made it in this game.
      I got to choose the operation when creating new character but I cant find a way to change it back later on.
      Also I know theres somewhere in settings a way to change the camera to free aim mode but i cant find it, everything is in korean.
    • MiniQ wrote:

      Is there anyway to change the movement operation to the normal way? aka WASD as it suppose to be and not the way they made it in this game.
      I got to choose the operation when creating new character but I cant find a way to change it back later on.
      Also I know theres somewhere in settings a way to change the camera to free aim mode but i cant find it, everything is in korean.

      This screen adjusts control type (not my screenshot though). The top one with all the check boxes is traditional hotkey driven WASD with pnc mouse controls optional. The bottom one is the third-person-shooter/Tera-esque controls. The slider adjusts camera sensitivity.
      PS - All that can be in english. You can find the translation files as well as live chat about it here:

      The post was edited 4 times, last by Zazaaji ().

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