Crowfall videos + open beta (free tests) info

    • Crowfall videos + open beta (free tests) info

      Crowfall is new PvP MMORPG based on claiming territory + voxel building & destruction + players will be physically making their own kingdoms (by...playing Tetris!?!).

      Acccount is tied to crow-spirit and NOT the body- so frequent changes of sex/class/race are very likely!? Alpha access is kinda expensive, but open beta i.e. free tests will happen "this summer" requiring only registration on the site. For quick game intro, say - it's IGN Wiki.

      Graphics are cartoony to enable smooth battles with hundreds of players, collision detection, physics and destruction. Here's preview by TheLazyPeon:

      ...also, noob girl playing with fire and Centaurs and some Ranger PvP with comments.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by JamesGoblin: Update ().

    • "The Big World" tests started - basically, it's a step from earlier MOBA-like small scale testing towards bigger MMO servers with crafting, gathering, mining etc. - tho building, territory control and character customization/genders are not in tests yet. Here's preview by TheLazyPeon, also updated into the OP:

      ...and some recent combat footage by ItsZiz: