Adversting (For Guests and Members with less than 10 Posts only)

Cirax Applicant

  • Male
  • Member since Jan 26th 2016
Last Activity
  • End3r -

    Yo C! Are you still alive? O.O

  • End3r -

    Sup C ! How you have been? Long time no see! I haven't logged in for quite some time...kinda miss our tag team! Hope Bless gets released soon and then i'll join you on the NA servers. BLESS 300!

  • Sharka -

    Welcome to Bless-Source! There is still plenty of time before NA/EU release, but many English-speaking fans are already playing Bless on the Korean server. We would love more people to join in and help us test out endgame content. If you already have people to play with, that’s great! If not, there are plenty of friendly people on the forums willing to point you in the right direction. In the instance that you are searching for a competitive/organized Hieron Guild for NA launch, you are welcome to check out Clockwork @! Again, welcome! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Clockwork or Bless Online!

  • End3r -

    Cirax i added you on my friend list, we gotta meet man! so i can invite you to our guild here in Hieron! Let me know when you'r online or just add me in game "Ender" and send a pm or something, i always see you offline D:

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