Though I have only been casually following the over all progression of Bless towards NA & did dabble in the Russian Beta, I honestly am limited in regards to my knowledge of the dynamics of Bless. I read somewhere within this forum that Raid Progression will most likely be much easier than FF14 or WoW. I am hoping that is not the case and that Raids will evolve over time. I truly miss team minded raid progression with a great group of players. I was hoping that Bless would fill the niche that I once absolutely loved in WoW End Game.
I was also hoping to either join or create a Static Team and/or Guild for Raid Progression.
I possess a degree in Multimedia/Game Design and have gamed (Various genres however predominantly MMORPGs) for ...well far too long. During my Tenure in WoW (Vanilla - WoLK and then again in WoD) I was in a US Ranked 100 Raid Guild. I began playing AION at close to launch for a few years and still dabble in it for fun but imho that particular MMORPG had far more to do with dynamic & often challenging PvP than Dungeon or Raid Progression. I also played FF14 for 8 mos as well as tried (often Beta'd) various other MMORPGs.
I would be thrilled to hook up with a few dedicated, positive minded players who enjoy the challenge or cohesive team raid progression. I currently possess both a Ventrillo and Mumble VOIP.
Though I have only been casually following the over all progression of Bless towards NA & did dabble in the Russian Beta, I honestly am limited in regards to my knowledge of the dynamics of Bless. I read somewhere within this forum that Raid Progression will most likely be much easier than FF14 or WoW. I am hoping that is not the case and that Raids will evolve over time. I truly miss team minded raid progression with a great group of players. I was hoping that Bless would fill the niche that I once absolutely loved in WoW End Game.
I was also hoping to either join or create a Static Team and/or Guild for Raid Progression.
I possess a degree in Multimedia/Game Design and have gamed (Various genres however predominantly MMORPGs) for ...well far too long. During my Tenure in WoW (Vanilla - WoLK and then again in WoD) I was in a US Ranked 100 Raid Guild. I began playing AION at close to launch for a few years and still dabble in it for fun but imho that particular MMORPG had far more to do with dynamic & often challenging PvP than Dungeon or Raid Progression. I also played FF14 for 8 mos as well as tried (often Beta'd) various other MMORPGs.
I would be thrilled to hook up with a few dedicated, positive minded players who enjoy the challenge or cohesive team raid progression. I currently possess both a Ventrillo and Mumble VOIP.