A HUGE suggestions list

    • A HUGE suggestions list

      What i am about to tell you comes from my own experience with MMORPGs in the last 5 years (never played WoW never liked the graphics, way too childish) and my suggestions will contain things that Bless should and shouldn`t have when will be released and further on. Also all news that i`ve read/saw on internet has been taken into consideration so some subjects will not be touched. So let`s begin....

      Warning: A lot of points will be associated with Blade and Soul and Revelation Online (how to and how not to do things)

      1. When you release the game don`t do like how My.com did, releasing the game with a lot of bugs. We don`t mind getting stumped into a bug every now and then after the official lunch (as long as you fix them ASAP), we know bugs get`s undetected in open beta(s).
      2. Game must be fully translated in English UTLEAST and VOICE ACTED. Remember voice acting and subs are among the first things that are interacting with the players, if the game doesn`t have that, BOOM dead fish in the water, that`s what will be written on the game`s "forhead."
      3. Details in enviernments, trees, rocks, effects all that must be pretty dense, we love views. don`t let us down.
      4. HUD must not be crowded, #revelation online has.
      5. Simulation test in the beginning. Now this is my own idea no game has that, So here is how it goes and what effects will have. Those days pretty much all MMORPGs have a lot of classes and players are indecided what class should they play, so a simulator will help a lot for players to test all classes` skills (u can add a "x" number of uses for each skill so that players don`t get bored/used with that class` skills, just enough to entice them), now the biggest effect that this idea will have is that usually players that can`t figure it out what class should they play, they are forced to level each class to a lvl that will provide them an ideea how the class feels and looks like and the idea behind it will apply to him/her or not. And by doing this repetitive thing for each class will piss the player of because he has to do same missions over and over again, see the same things again and again, while others are going in LvL and content like crazy, so the undecided players are left behind because they can`t figure out what class suits them. And this my friends will diminish the players` hype by a lot, i`m one of them, i got this feeling in Blade and Soul, even though i was super hyped about the game, until i`ve managed to find the class that i enjoy and didn` t bored me to death, my hype went completely cold. Classes that i didn`t like at first look i ended up enoying them the most and that made me to take breaks out of the game more offent than intended 'til i took it permanently.
      6. The game must have a SOLID PVP and PVE. We are almost in 2018 so there are no excuses for not having strong pvp or pve, Blade and Soul proved that a SUPER SOLID PVP is possible, though until B&S there wasn`t a game that had that clean and constant PVP (doesn`t matter if it`s PVP open world or/and for eSports). As for PvE, well we`ll discuss this in the next point
      7. Don`t KILL the game`s content NO MATTER WHAT. This is the reason Blade and Soul lost a lot of players, That game was build towards eSports, but you must understand over 70-80% of player only play the game for PvE content "enjoy playing a game". A lot of them have jobs, they can`t sacrifice time for "maybe i`ll become a god PvPlayer and i`ll earn my living via gaming". So what Blade and Soul did (though it is undertandable since it is PvP oriented) they`ve killed and still are killing the PvE content so that players reach end game faster to start focusing on PvP eSports and i just said why is bad. The problem in their example is that new players are getting confused because, the old ways of upgrading the weapons was kinda directing them what dungeon it can or can`t be done, what boss is accesable and which is still to strong, what needs to be done next etc (upgrading weapons was going hand in hand with the storyline). A lot of bosses at some points were no longer farmable because high players didn`t farm them any longer but low level players still needed some items from them and boom that is one hell of a break point,
      8. The monetization system should be Free-to-Play as well as Pay-to-Play. Now diving a bit into this, free to play it`s a must be, players must see if the game suits them or not and this will bring a lot of players to the game (which all devs want). By adding a second option, a pay to play montly system (no more than 5 $/e per month) remember some countries are poorer than the others, as well adding packeges for whales players doesn`t mind other players either. The difference between a free to play and pay to play should be this, cosmetics and other visual things, should be free for players that have payed to play while others who are playing for free should buy them from the market. However if a player who didn`t payed for playing a month, but he did payed before can unlock them for using even though he is not PREMIUM, x months subsribed = same "x" number of cosmetics can unlock (of course not all can be considered at the same importance level so a small indeph must be done about this), the items becoming usable (the items cannot be sold unless the players reach a number of months subscribed, then they can sell a "x" number of cosmetics of their choice for in game currency).
      9. Creating nicknames. The game must let player to add more "spaces" in the nickname but not in the beginning and the end, and no more that 1 space in a row,also of 24 characters length, so that players can release their ideas :thumbsup: (i`m one of them) also other acronims from other languages wouldn`t hurt, when a language is added to the game so is it`s full dictionary.
      10. No rare items/materials in the cash shop. Other more easily dropable items doesn`t hurt anyone, a bit pay to progress but don`t over do it. It must be same chance for everyone to reach end game or high lvl items, though if you ask me it shouldn't exist at all since with my 2 ideas will be a huge income, trust me i`ve finished marketing faculty and i know how to make money :D. Instead of robbing people, ofer them the chance of been able to have acces to anything at low cost than robbing them off, for a item/service just to make him/her feel a bit different.
      12. Here is an idea how to make extra money on the side, even helping designers (your own as well as outsiders) to make money in the game. Sure developers will get their cut since it`s their own game. For example add an option where players come with ideas how their character should look like (face and all), yeah i know a lot of characters from the witcher and other games will inspire players, (still you should consult a lawyer about copyrights and all that if there are going to be any problems or not.) So to end this for example i want only my character`s face to look like Gerald of Rivia, you charge 20 Euro for face only, for the full character body included 40 Euro, (50 Euro for + some extra visual effects they want to have as their own unique style) :D. This is a good way to make extra income on the side, this way you will attract a lot of designers in the game and you will have a strong pool from where you can hire some in case you need :D
      13. This is more optional; releasing the mystic and the warlock class with the official lunch will be massive for the game, trust me, even though you don`t have the story contents for the classes ready, we want to play with the classes :D
      14. All classes must be balanced in PvP especially, of course each of them with it`s own unique style.
      15. System requirements. Now this one is a bit tricky since all these new processors and video cards are so expensive, a lot of people still are working with old GTX and ivy bridge processors and all that, but on the other hand if a player get`s a hulky gaming pc the game must be able to provide OP graphic and all, of course other players with "normal computers" still must enjoy a lovely graphic, not some fking minecraft/startrek in the '80. In other words the game should be optimezed with more that 2-3 graphic levels, it should have like (low/medium/high/very high/4k)
      16. Make sure the game is WELL OPTIMIZED, take your time we don`t want laggy regions at all!.
      17. DON`T add the fking achievements system. whatever you do don`t do that, make the RnG a bit more annoying, but don`t add this fking system, all players are annoyed about this in the last years, i feel like you are robbing me of my time, just to do them, let the people fight each other, like good old metin 2 had that style, where players were killing each other for fun and that game didn`t had any achievement system at all, but it did had a grinding and RnG systems that pissed of players so much, it made them quit, If you can`t help yourselfs and you are going to add it anyway, make sure there are no big numbers in it like (do 1000 times a dungeon #Blade and Soul has) as well as make the system account bounded not character bounded, also those achievement should help at something. Easy earnable, very usable, but try to avoid the system, try the game without the system utleast for a while :D :thumbup: and see how it goes
      18, About grinding, watch out about this, it`s since forever a heavy dead stone on all MMORPG games, make sure you reduce it and compensate with other things, If you don`t add the achievement system the grinding will be reduce drastically which is huge for the game.

      Those are all for now, if i remember anything i`ve forgot i will re-update my post or just add another post in here as a continuation to this one.

      P.S. Sorry if there are some grammar mystakes, english is not my native.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Crystallis ().

    • 1)
      I have to disagree with the system requirements. People just need to do some research and you can get cheap hardware and play next gen games. For me it would be nice if bless pushed alil but does not look like BDO (BDO graphically i just thought looked saturated and ugly whereas AA just looked better for me). I just disagree because i dont want to be picking up a new game that looks like a game made 5 years ago.

      Unless you are wanting to do competitive PVP where it is easier having 10th gen GTX preferably 1060 - 1080 ti, you can even get a 1050 ti at £150 (although on most noteable sites it will be £159) and game very comfortably.

      Then when it comes to processors (im the blue team sorry so i dont know an amazing amount about AMD except, ryzen 7 is third best after i7 8700 and i5 8400 in terms of price and power). But for a more budget end pc i going to base around a medium range spec pc as i enjoy making builds so £799-1500 all you really need is a i5 7600k and it will hold its own very well however it is around £200.

      So for 2 of the more important things for gaming arguably is £350, then it comes down to monitors, you can get cheap monitors from asus or acer for under £200 some at around £110 with 100 - 120 hz, however if you want one with g sync which does increase gaming performance pretty well getting rid of tearing, does cost more.

      Next comes to cooling which i will leave for one's own research as it depends what cooling you want and how you want to cool liquid or air, personally i prefer air, its cheaper and is usually much more efficient and reliable, (you dont even have to have a tower and just use your system as a deck).

      2) then to your grinding mention, personally i think grinding is great, just depends what im grinding and the value it has on the world.
    • Updated Post...

      19. Add an option where players can choose if they want or not to level up after they gain the necessary exp to do so, maybe they want to acquire the necessary items first to feel op at his level then level up ;)
      20. This is a small update to point number 8 from above. About packeges for whales players, their packeges should contain things like, extra exp, more in game money, higher chance in droping items for legedaries (but not that high, extra 10% should do the trick) some unique cosmetics and effects only players that buy those packeges can get them (no rare materials or weapons and so on).
    • SRTero wrote:

      I have to disagree with the system requirements. People just need to do some research and you can get cheap hardware and play next gen games. For me it would be nice if bless pushed alil but does not look like BDO (BDO graphically i just thought looked saturated and ugly whereas AA just looked better for me). I just disagree because i dont want to be picking up a new game that looks like a game made 5 years ago.

      Unless you are wanting to do competitive PVP where it is easier having 10th gen GTX preferably 1060 - 1080 ti, you can even get a 1050 ti at £150 (although on most noteable sites it will be £159) and game very comfortably.

      Then when it comes to processors (im the blue team sorry so i dont know an amazing amount about AMD except, ryzen 7 is third best after i7 8700 and i5 8400 in terms of price and power). But for a more budget end pc i going to base around a medium range spec pc as i enjoy making builds so £799-1500 all you really need is a i5 7600k and it will hold its own very well however it is around £200.

      So for 2 of the more important things for gaming arguably is £350, then it comes down to monitors, you can get cheap monitors from asus or acer for under £200 some at around £110 with 100 - 120 hz, however if you want one with g sync which does increase gaming performance pretty well getting rid of tearing, does cost more.

      Next comes to cooling which i will leave for one's own research as it depends what cooling you want and how you want to cool liquid or air, personally i prefer air, its cheaper and is usually much more efficient and reliable, (you dont even have to have a tower and just use your system as a deck).

      2) then to your grinding mention, personally i think grinding is great, just depends what im grinding and the value it has on the world.
      First i was reffering to achievement system when it came to grinding, we don`t want achievements, it`s like you impose to players to do them no matter what.
      Second all those NUMBERS. Let me tell you something, in my country the standard montly salary is around 300-400e, so think about other countries, It`s funny that half of EU players are in eastern europe and we all know that those countries` economies are nothing like the western countries. Whether you accept or not, from my own experience eastern european players are more core gaming than the western, sorry, it is true, we don`t have the money for other exquisite activities. :D
    • I can literally suggest a £400 computer build that is more powerful than a PS4. And will run current gen games at 1080p, and still hold over 60 fps not on ultra but on mainly high settings and some medium settings, obviously the fps will go below 60 fps sometimes, but on a budget you can not complain. SO like i said you just need to do some research.

      What country do you live in and i will work it out for you or send me your specs and i can advise upgrades.

      I also disagree with the core gaming statement,when i was younger i practiced PVP in NA and would come to EU and find pvp a lot easier and would be higher up in ranks on EU compared to NA, and if we go about oceanic, the majority of the time play on NA servers. Unless you mean "core gaming" as in no life it more im not sure :D

      Edit: Thought of something better, give me a budget and your currency (guessing euros) and i will see what i can build, benchmarks would all be in theory though.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by SRTero ().

    • Crystallis wrote:

      We`ll let`s see after i pay my taxes, utilities, food for a month plus other expensives....yeah around 50-70e left, see what build u can create with this kind of money :)
      Lol holy moly, let's say you saved for 3 months and got a budget of 150 euro? :P I can build you something that still runs current gen games, however this is without considering the cost of a good graphics card. And it will be terrible at multi-multitasking and wont exactly run as fast as current gen pc's and laptops. But if its just for gaming, and somehow you got maybe a gtx 970 or 980 second hand, would be fine :D Will get back to you on the specs when i have free time to check all prices at the moment :D
    • All of the things you chose are pretty much common sense do's and don'ts. When it comes to a Pay 2 Play additional model, $5 a month is a waste of time. $15 is the normal going rate for p2p models and it should just follow suit. When it comes to the achievements system, I wholeheartedly agree with having this system in every MMO game. It is a very simple way to create "artificial" content in the game. As long as they don't skimp on real content, giving players something to work for in the game that is not as serious as killing the same mobs thousands of times is very good in an MMO. As long as they do it right, and give rewards, titles, etc. for completing certain achievements.