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Rebuild Test Server - Season 3 update patch notes

    • Rebuild Test Server - Season 3 update patch notes

      Season 3 - Mascu, Castle Siege, Item Changes

      [New Content]

      - Castle Siege has been improved.
      > You can enter at level 37.
      > The battle time has been reduced from 45 minutes to 30 minutes.
      > In the past, if you did not kill the commander, the winner or loser was judged based on the score.
      From now on, the winner or loser will be judged only if the commander is killed.
      If the commander is alive , both sides will receive a draw when the battle ends.
      > The way you gain points in Castle Siege has changed.
      There is not much difference when you enter the starting stage of Castle Siege.
      However, the number of participating characters will gradually decrease the score you can get after the end of the battle.

      > The movement speed of the vehicles and the attack power of the gate have been increased
      The cleansing tree that summons Divine Wrath has been changed to summon the monster at regular intervals.
      The monster that the tree summons Divine Wrath's stamina will gradually decrease as the siege progresses.
      > A battlefield board has been added to make it easier to check the health of the gate and the commander.

      > The shield at the base has been removed and additional defense mechanisms were put in the castle tower.
      > In the past you could only push towards the castle on the walls, the terrain has been changed and more routes have been added so it should be easier to breach the castle now.

      > Now that there is no shield buff, the strength of the defending faction gets increased for 1 minute.
      > The commander's shield skill has been changed to a reflection spell and the heal skill has been removed.

      If you participate in the REBUILD server's Castle Siege testing event during 09/28 - 10/09, you are able to get a golden gladiator costume for the main server Elpis (If I understood it right).

      ※ A mascu wearing the costume

      Castle Siege support event (09/28 - 10/09)
      If you create a new character during this time, you will receive an instant boost potion to lv37, a weapon, mount and 20 gold worth of tax paper(you can dump it to npc)

      Castle Siege Schedule
      Weekdays: Once a day at 8PM KST
      Weekends: Twice a day at 8PM and 11PM KST

      - Mascu race has been added
      They can be both Hieron or Union faction
      Playable classes: Guardian, Berserker, Mage, Paladin and Assassin(Thanks Mint)

      Also, humanoid mascu(optional) has been added as a selectable skin/type.

      - UI , HUD and other miscellanous changes

      > Mount summon hotkeys have been changed from CTRL + F1/F2/F3/F4/F5 to CTRL + Q/W/E/R/T
      You can change these hotkeys in the game settings. [ Interface settings -> Key settings -> Hotkeys / Action Bar ]

      > Character profile UI has been reworked as it was a bit too much in one spot, basically a few additional info and stats have been moved to a new panel.
      > Some items(flares, protective shield generator, etc..) which are usable in combat have been changed, so you can register them in quick slots(actionbar).
      > Enhancement changes
      - Ehancing items below +10 required you to craft a magic power enhances from magic condensate, but you can use magic condensate to enchant items below +10 now.
      - Some parts of this was unclear to me, basically enchanting have been made less expensive by removing a few steps in materials below a set enhancement level.
      > Crafting changes:
      - Crafting material vendors have been placed near workbenches.
      - New recipes for 15/25/35/45 rings and necklaces have been added. Some old ring and necklace recipes have been removed.
      - Repair tool recipe have been added, you can craft it and repair your items anywhere. The price of the required material have been lowered.
      - Some other popular material prices have been lowered to 1000.
      > The characters running speed and maximum power and energy recovery have been reduced.
      > Balance changes in field monsters.

      - Taming / Training changes (Thank you Eto)

      - When you achieve 3. Professional Tamer, 5. Master Tamer, 7. Brilliant Tamer, you will receive Tamer Costume [Lower], [Upper], and [Hat], respectively.

      - The names and rewards for tamer/trainer levels have been changed.
      1. Trainee < 2. Skilled Tamer < 3. Professional Tamer < 4. Elite Tamer < 5. Master Tamer < 6. Prominent Tamer < 7. Brilliant Tamer
      - Some changes here and there, basically the higher level your taming is, the faster you tame and you get more chance for special tames.

      [New Items]

      - Repair tool have been added
      Blacksmiths can craft this and it recovers 5 durability on an item.
      - Upgraded Repair tools have also been added
      It recovers the full durability of the item.

      - Level 37 weapons, shields and armor item names have changed.
      - The overall stats of the items have been increased.

      - Accessories have been improved.
      - Accessories have no durability from now on.
      - Accessories can only be enhanced. (No failures)
      - Even if you have failstacks, they won't be used up if you succeed an upgrade.
      - You can either craft these new accessories or get some of them from elite monsters.
      - Only accessories above heroic grade can have set effects.

      [Bug Fixes]

      - Lots of bugs have been fixed, I don't want to go into detail here.. sorry :<

      Source: link , link

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Tsurata: edited errors ().

    • Thanks for posting these updates!

      Tsurata wrote:

      Castle Siege support event (09/28 - 10/09)
      If you create a new character during this time, you will receive an instant boost potion to lv37, a weapon, mount and 20 gold worth of tax paper(you can dump it to npc)

      Quick question, do you know how this will work? Does creating any character between 28 sept and 10 oct get this potion? (Tried making a new toon, no such luck) Or do I need to create a character during the siege testing?
    • Defari wrote:

      Thanks for posting these updates!

      Tsurata wrote:

      Castle Siege support event (09/28 - 10/09)
      If you create a new character during this time, you will receive an instant boost potion to lv37, a weapon, mount and 20 gold worth of tax paper(you can dump it to npc)
      Quick question, do you know how this will work? Does creating any character between 28 sept and 10 oct get this potion? (Tried making a new toon, no such luck) Or do I need to create a character during the siege testing?
      It goes in your account wide premium items window. After you create a new character, it will be there. Be careful though. Only claim it on a level 1 character and use it right away. Level 2+ will not work. Don't make the same mistake I did, haha. Luckily I have another account.

      Bless KR Rebuild Project Download Guide
    • Switching over from the regular game, after some time of inactivity, I was able to get the potion without a problem. Surprisingly I also got some lumena already.
    • While not noted in the OP, Mascu can be assassins.
      That's seen here. A time skip link to the video is here.
      Lastly, their own official website, you can see the symbol for assassins here which confirms it on the character creation screen. The website screenshot (so you know where to go to see yourself). Actual website link.
      And you can see their race included on the official website, as well, here.

      I was poked by some people concerned, so yes! Mascu can be assassins. ♥

      This is actually right in the patch notes. 어새신 is assassin. I think the incorrect translation here might be mystic? You can see the source here.

      The post was edited 3 times, last by Mint ().

    • How many seasons are there supposed to be? I like that they seem to be pushing out updates much more regularly than they were on the standard Korean client. It shows they are making progress. Hopefully twitchcon will tell us more about NA/EU localization.
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