Adversting (For Guests and Members with less than 10 Posts only)



      Hello we are a hardcore guild in EU called AsianGoldFarmers (name is subject to change) that is going to move over to Bless online.
      We are looking for people that want to be very competitive in bless and
      the goal of this guild is to be the no.1 guild in bless we are looking
      for people that are serious about playing in bless whenever it comes out
      and that will stick around. The requirements of our guild in bless will be that you are very active
      and always participate in any guild events. For now im creating a discord server for the guild
      to see roughly how many people are interested in joining and to roughly see how
      many people will join from our previous guild in revelation. Please feel free to join our discord if interested
    This is a Fansite and not the official Website for Bless. © NEOWIZ . ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © NEOWIZ BLESS STUDIO. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.