PVP & RVR: What We Know Thus Far

    PVP & RVR: What We Know Thus Far



    January 19, 2013: Added new RVR confirmations (affects story, two types of RVR, Royal Quests tie in, etc.)

    Here's what's been confirmed thus far:

    1. Castle seiges/RvR.

    2. Large-scale keep battle.

    3. As you progress in the game, you will encounter characters, either playable or non-playable, of different races from the opposing realm. You will be interacting with NPCs that are inherently a part of BLESS’ world, not just systematic quest givers. You will build your relationship with these NPCs and gradually foster attachments to individuals from across the realm. From this perspective, your experiences in PvP will feel just as important as those in PvE, and culminate in Realm-versus-Realm (RvR) scenarios of differing size and scale. A small-scale RvR may lead to a massive war, and it is up to you to decide how to be involved. You may become a valiant commander that rides at the forefront of a hundred-person army, or an assassin on a stealth mission targeting a high-class noble. If you would like to play a more neutral role, you may become a mercenary for hire, or you could choose to ignore the war entirely and become a pacifist.

    4. Overall, PvP will be closely tied to how players progress through the story and through the game. We will be demonstrating how PvP works in more detail in the near future.

    5. Two different types of RVR: “There will be two separate kinds of RvR, one will be more casual, it’s not as devastating if you lose; it’s more fun based. There’s also a more hardcore, more detrimental if you lose RvR and this will take place on a separate part of the map.” Secondly, the large scale RvR would have an effect on the casual side. The winners of the larger battle would gain more “Fame” or “Honor” points – the name for the PvP reward system is still a matter of debate – when engaged in the smaller conflicts.

    6. RVR directly affects the storyline of the game.

    7. Flying mounts (and possibly land mounts) can be used in RVR! The wyvern mount can fly down and use an AOE stun, for example.

    8. Royal Quests tie directly into RVR.

    Here's what else we've seen, but hasn't exactly been "confirmed":

    1. Climbing all walls and invasions. (Unconfirmed)

    2. Seige monster summoning. (Unconfirmed)

    3. Keep wall collapsing due to bomb ignition. (Unconfirmed)

    4. Environmental destruction. (Unconfirmed)

    5. Middle part of castle rising into the air to escape. (Unconfirmed)

    6. Seige weapons (catapults). (Unconfirmed)

    7. Seige ships and players attacking from the ships. (Unconfirmed)

    8. Can see "dummy NPCs" (archers and footmen sharing synced animation and uniforms) during the siege. Do you buy them? Lease them for your keep? (Unconfirmed)

    Post was edited 3 times, last by “Organic” ().

    I hope that whole content which is published or will be published is really content for the first version of the game. This just reminds me history with Age of Conan, where siege was not ready even after one year,when the game was released.

    Till now everything looks promising and I'm already, looking forward to see Beta..
    Get Rich or Die Tryin'

    This is why I love MMO's. I really love the Open world pvp & factions are awesome. Just adds to the fun. This game has some amazing features that bring back memories. I'm an old 12Sky player & that faction system there was just fantastic.

    Hope this game plays out to be everything I'm hoping for. This could be my new home away from home. :D
    Kevlar - LeGenDaRY Guild Master

    Play Hard, Play Fair & Have Fun
    Factions are good. I've never been able to see the entire argument against them tbh. I prefer to be able to see at a glance who is an enemy or potential enemy rather than just act on instinct and kill everyone in sight, fearing them to be all hostiles that have not acted on their initiative yet... which in turn makes me come across as a total ass as it's something I don't like nor want to do to preserve my safety. Having to consider my target's moral standing just breaks my PvP focus... if I don't want to attack the target that's up to me but having the target flagged is what makes it so that my PvP focus remains uninterrupted as the target is potentially and most likely dangerous and I still need to keep a full watch on it as I go about my other activities. Letting my guard down is just something I don't do; but 'white names' compel me to go against this will beyond my control. ¬_¬

    I will say that the only thing that does suck about factions is that the most annoying people ever that you just want to kill over and over are stuck on your side where they are untouchable. There have been so many times where I've just wanted to wring the necks of like such 'fellow' flock members more than any of the enemy faction guys. :x

    I'm not a fan of huge world-wide skirmishes (well, not ones that involve me running with a faceless 40-90 man zerg; I'm a concentrated strike team kind of player in RvR) but the features do look intriguing; if the objectives are actually as interesting as they suggest then I will definitely plunge into the system regardless. Seeing some good stuff here, conceptually wise that is.
    Nice, that sounds very interesting. I'm not the biggest fan of factions, but I do like how they're going to make PvP have an actual impact on the PvE portion of the game. It's always annoyed me in games where it's like "oh you won some big, world affecting thing? too bad that it doesn't show up on anything besides some title!"
    I partially agree to most of it, PVP is meant to be pvp(player VS player) not por(prey on rookies), granted yes players rookies or not are players but pvp isnt PoR, thats strictly slammed in the Cata "Tyranny". and yes Ide like to have Open world PVP but with heavy penalties for attacking people lower then a lvl cap.

    Post was edited 1 time, last by “revleenox” ().

    Ham wrote:

    Does anyone know if the gear plays a large factor on PvP or is more towards player skill. I've seen too many good games die cause of this fact.

    I think and test RvR : Balance drive gears /skill ability) , player's skill, reflexes (tactic)
    sooo very good exciting and fun every minute pvp
    Just know - this was a 16-month necro. This thread wasn't updated as part of the CBT3 testing at all. None of the handful of points are really "wrong", but there's also not that much value in this OP.

    [Guide] PVP & RVR

    That thread was updated for CBT3 and has far more details.