Where are all the other players?

    • Where are all the other players?


      I've just started playing Bless again after I stop playing at the beginning of the open beta and i've just reached lvl20 at my first day of playing. It seems to me that you level up really fast in this game in comparisson to other mmos like ff14 for example where leveling is pure torture. But what I've also noticed was that there are hardly any other players around. Around one or two in the larger cities and almost none in the leveling areas. I'm curious now if the reason for this is the fast leveling, so most people are maxed already and have no reason to come back or if the game just has gotten less popular scince the beginning of the open beta? Right now this is a huge letdown for me because I was really looking forward to have some fun in open world pvp but when there are almost no players around there is no real reason for me to keep on playing until EU-release :(
      Another reason I could think of is the fact that I live in Germany which is basically on the other side of the world.
    • Around level 20-40 the lack of players is noticeable. But don't worry, once you reached level 40 you can access the padana battlefields which are over-loaded of players farming dailies. Also, the lack of players may be caused by the game not being patched yet. Everyone is waiting for the huge major patch coming soon at around the end of year.

      Bask within the guidance of the great Palutena!