• So I noticed that for example in the loading screen if my mouse is stationary I get 790 fps, if I move it around really fast it drops to 400 fps, even in the queue screen for the server login, I wonder if this will also affect in-game, haven't tested it yet, but I have a feeling it does.

    Is there anyway to fix this, I have a fairly new rig so it's not my PC, and for example if I go into boardless window mode, and slightly tab out of the game, and wave my mouse around the screen while it's not like physically set on the game, i.e. its my windows cursor not the games cursor, and I move my mouse really fast the fps just moves from 790 to 740, so it's something to do with the actual games UI/Mouse Cursor.

    Anyone have any ideas how to fix this? Since I will have to move my camera alot since they forked us on the action camera shit.