Hi from swe!

  • Just want to say hi! lurking for more information about this game to see if gaminglife community will jump on the trian. To be honest i told the community that i will not play the game but after all the different news and combat trailers and more on youtube i can say that i'm hype ;) looks good, "who knows you may see me out in the forest of bless!.

    in the meantime take care!

    /Vigorous Q

  • Thank you guys! i think guardian, mage and pala look VERY VERY interesting.! do you have any thought about this 3?

    Hay man so Guardian is your Tank class Paladin is atm the only Healer/Buff class and Mage is ofc a ranged dps i was going to roll mage as Assassin isn't released on launch :( but after seeing the vids on the new combat system im now rolling Ranger, but again people have said that Mage is your AOE and Ranger is your single target that's all good in PVE but im a PVP guy and have no intrest in AOE :P

  • Hay man so Guardian is your Tank class Paladin is atm the only Healer/Buff class and Mage is ofc a ranged dps i was going to roll mage as Assassin isn't released on launch :( but after seeing the vids on the new combat system im now rolling Ranger, but again people have said that Mage is your AOE and Ranger is your single target that's all good in PVE but im a PVP guy and have no intrest in AOE :P

    yea im always rolling ranger but afte seeing the new combat system i was noooooooooooooo whyyyyyyyyyyy. i hope the mage can change skills on pvp becouse running doing AOE IN pvp will be funny.

  • Hey Vigorousq! Now I get to welcome you on your thread! WELCOME! I hope you enjoy Bless. I think it's going to be a great game. Hopefully a fresh exciting surprise for us all as a new mmo. The taming in the open world is already promising that. Anyways I'll hopefully cya around. Enjoy!