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Gender Locked Classes?

    • Gender Locked Classes?


      I have read previously that classes are not gender locked but in all the videos I have seen every one of them only shows female paladins and female mages. Why is this?

      Can a male sylvan elf be a paladin or mage or is there even such a thing as a male sylvan elf? Come to think of it I believe I have only seen the female. Does anyone know?
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      Theres no gender locked classes.
      Some races cannot be certain classes. You can be a male Slyvan Elf Paladin or Mage, I cant remeber which races can be which though, so I could be wrong.
      Theres quite a few charactor creation videos on youtube as well.
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      ShiftyBandit wrote:

      Theres no gender locked classes.
      Some races cannot be certain classes. You can be a male Slyvan Elf Paladin or Mage, I cant remeber which races can be which though, so I could be wrong.
      Theres quite a few charactor creation videos on youtube as well.
      This is correct. Classes are race locked as opposed to gender locked. Additionally some races are faction locked. B
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      There is a video Here showing that Male Elves can be Mages or Paladins. However I suspect that their armor sets may not look as cool as those of the Assassin, for example... So people are rolling female when they want to play that class.
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      Cannyone wrote:

      There is a video Here showing that Male Elves can be Mages or Paladins. However I suspect that their armor sets may not look as cool as those of the Assassin, for example... So people are rolling female when they want to play that class.
      I think Aesthetics are in the eyes of the beholder. What one person finds appealing isn't necessarily what another finds appealing. That's why there is a variety to chose from in most games.