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Curious about release date and classes

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    • Curious about release date and classes

      Hey I was just curious if anyone has a better ball park of the release date for this game in the West. Early 2018 could mean anything really. Seen many games pushed back endlessly. Was wondering if someone might have a better idea who has played the Non-Western versions of the game.

      I was also curious what class you might play based on your experience with trying the game. I am probably going to roll a cleric as I like the ability to solo some content alone in MMO's while also being in demand for parties.
    • No idea about the release date, but trust me, the small about of info we have now is much better than we've had in the past. It sucks, I agree, but at least we HAVE a ballpark release date now...

      As for class. I like the mystic. It was fun to play, and I enjoyed both its style of healing and it's damage abilities. Mind you, I didn't exactly play it for long, so it could be vastly different at max level.
    • If I were to guess the soft release date might be summer of 2018? That would probably be their best best at this point. I'd say early release maybe starts in March if I were to be really positive about it...
    • I will guess before or around Q2 2018 for early access. Just judgement based on the length of time between announcement and actual server opening for JP and RU + guessing how much work it will be to localize in the languages they have said and implement all rebuild changes.

      The in-demand healer is paladin.

      Bless Online in my Top 10 MMORPGs In 2018!
    • Nocht wrote:

      I will guess before or around Q2 2018 for early access. Just judgement based on the length of time between announcement and actual server opening for JP and RU + guessing how much work it will be to localize in the languages they have said and implement all rebuild changes.

      The in-demand healer is paladin.
      How about Mystic? Do they fill the healer niche at all? I didn't love Paladin in the slightest, but I love to heal.
    • Paladin = main heal and it always was even before rebuild changes. Mystic "could" main heal in certain dungeons back before rebuild on the level 50 content but it was only normal modes, not really hardmodes. Koreans ran with paladins only for the hardmodes because mystic heals are not strong enough. Mystic has and most likely forever will be a off-healer/buffer (and ofc jack of all trades class like it was before). The only changes to the ranger would be the damage increase and the trap changes. For the most part, ranger is about the same (skill wise except for traps). Most likely mystic will be getting a few tweaks here and there for their spells, but do not expect mystic to be main heals.
    • Game localizations are usually made by 3rd party companies. We probably just have to wait for the final Rebuild Version since the translation is already running in the background. Neowiz told me that they want to work on the game optimization though but i still think an intern beta starts early 2018.
    • Korealer wrote:

      Paladin = main heal and it always was even before rebuild changes. Mystic "could" main heal in certain dungeons back before rebuild on the level 50 content but it was only normal modes, not really hardmodes. Koreans ran with paladins only for the hardmodes because mystic heals are not strong enough. Mystic has and most likely forever will be a off-healer/buffer (and ofc jack of all trades class like it was before). The only changes to the ranger would be the damage increase and the trap changes. For the most part, ranger is about the same (skill wise except for traps). Most likely mystic will be getting a few tweaks here and there for their spells, but do not expect mystic to be main heals.
      Ahh, thank you. I do not mind being an off healer. I just greatly disliked the paladin class, so off healer it is. :)

      Disclaimer: There is nothing WRONG with paladin class, for those that like it, it's simply a personal taste issue on my end.
    • Nayukhuut wrote:

      Korealer wrote:

      Paladin = main heal and it always was even before rebuild changes. Mystic "could" main heal in certain dungeons back before rebuild on the level 50 content but it was only normal modes, not really hardmodes. Koreans ran with paladins only for the hardmodes because mystic heals are not strong enough. Mystic has and most likely forever will be a off-healer/buffer (and ofc jack of all trades class like it was before). The only changes to the ranger would be the damage increase and the trap changes. For the most part, ranger is about the same (skill wise except for traps). Most likely mystic will be getting a few tweaks here and there for their spells, but do not expect mystic to be main heals.
      Ahh, thank you. I do not mind being an off healer. I just greatly disliked the paladin class, so off healer it is. :)
      Disclaimer: There is nothing WRONG with paladin class, for those that like it, it's simply a personal taste issue on my end.
      Paladin can also be a OT but Guardian is the MT. Berserker supposedly can OT too but I've never seen it done.
    • cuck wrote:

      Hey I was just curious if anyone has a better ball park of the release date for this game in the West. Early 2018 could mean anything really. Seen many games pushed back endlessly. Was wondering if someone might have a better idea who has played the Non-Western versions of the game.

      I was also curious what class you might play based on your experience with trying the game. I am probably going to roll a cleric as I like the ability to solo some content alone in MMO's while also being in demand for parties.
      For what you say paladin work better for you. I've tried both in RU.
      In my personal experience paladin off course is a faster healer so for most parties is better except when the whole party knows the mechanics perfectly, there a mystic could be better to run the dungeon faster because of more dps and buffs that mystics bring.
      Both are great solo players cause they can heal themself but mystics are faster cause of the dps. In pvp i think mystics are also a little bit better. So is a hard choise but I reccomend you paladin especially for the part " in demand for parties".
    • Like i was saying before, mystic cannot heal the hardmode dungeons. (like the dungeons that are actually hard lol). Because they can't put out the big heals compared to a paladin can within a short amount of time. Paladin = your go-to healer.

      Ive seen mystics main heal before, but they main heal in normal-mode dungeons where everyone is already mostly geared and knows the mechanics to the teeth perfectly.
    • I hope they add more role versatility because right now as it stands we are pidgeonholed into one tank and one healer for everything. That is going to make everything harder to accomplish.
    • Nayukhuut wrote:

      Korealer wrote:

      Paladin = main heal and it always was even before rebuild changes. Mystic "could" main heal in certain dungeons back before rebuild on the level 50 content but it was only normal modes, not really hardmodes. Koreans ran with paladins only for the hardmodes because mystic heals are not strong enough. Mystic has and most likely forever will be a off-healer/buffer (and ofc jack of all trades class like it was before). The only changes to the ranger would be the damage increase and the trap changes. For the most part, ranger is about the same (skill wise except for traps). Most likely mystic will be getting a few tweaks here and there for their spells, but do not expect mystic to be main heals.
      Ahh, thank you. I do not mind being an off healer. I just greatly disliked the paladin class, so off healer it is. :)
      Disclaimer: There is nothing WRONG with paladin class, for those that like it, it's simply a personal taste issue on my end.

      You and I are in the same boat. I personally cant stand the style of the paladin and how tank-ish it seems to be. I prefer the mystics over them however, I have this feeling that they will not be taken to the difficult dungeons as they will be useless compared to taking a mage and a paladin. So I'm hoping the developers do something to ensure mystics have something to bring to the party rather than a weaker jack of all trades.

      As a person that enjoys the PvP scene as a support player I will be pretty upset if mystics will not be able to effectively heal their party in PvP situations compared to paladins. As they have to have at least one area where they can excel.
    • Sensei wrote:

      Nayukhuut wrote:

      Korealer wrote:

      Paladin = main heal and it always was even before rebuild changes. Mystic "could" main heal in certain dungeons back before rebuild on the level 50 content but it was only normal modes, not really hardmodes. Koreans ran with paladins only for the hardmodes because mystic heals are not strong enough. Mystic has and most likely forever will be a off-healer/buffer (and ofc jack of all trades class like it was before). The only changes to the ranger would be the damage increase and the trap changes. For the most part, ranger is about the same (skill wise except for traps). Most likely mystic will be getting a few tweaks here and there for their spells, but do not expect mystic to be main heals.
      Ahh, thank you. I do not mind being an off healer. I just greatly disliked the paladin class, so off healer it is. :) Disclaimer: There is nothing WRONG with paladin class, for those that like it, it's simply a personal taste issue on my end.
      You and I are in the same boat. I personally cant stand the style of the paladin and how tank-ish it seems to be. I prefer the mystics over them however, I have this feeling that they will not be taken to the difficult dungeons as they will be useless compared to taking a mage and a paladin. So I'm hoping the developers do something to ensure mystics have something to bring to the party rather than a weaker jack of all trades.

      As a person that enjoys the PvP scene as a support player I will be pretty upset if mystics will not be able to effectively heal their party in PvP situations compared to paladins. As they have to have at least one area where they can excel.

      Mystics can level up pretty fast, they don't have issues abour remaining alive, are good in pvp, and they are usefull in parties for their buffs.
      In hard dungeons you'll probably need a paladin+mystic, and in common dungeons if the party knows mechanics you'll have more than enough with a mystic and you could also use 2 mystics if the party doesn't find a paladin and don't knowsmechanics. In raids they are really appreciate.

      So I don't think is fair for the paladin (who is slower in leveling with lower dps and buffs that last for a really shot time) that mystics (who already have healing over time habilities, 2 buff auras that can remain up all the time and other healing habilities) have the same fast healing power than paladins or the same dps than a mage or berserker that can not heal, if that is what you are implying.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Sarcastic ().

    • Sarcastic wrote:

      Sensei wrote:

      You and I are in the same boat. I personally cant stand the style of the paladin and how tank-ish it seems to be. I prefer the mystics over them however, I have this feeling that they will not be taken to the difficult dungeons as they will be useless compared to taking a mage and a paladin. So I'm hoping the developers do something to ensure mystics have something to bring to the party rather than a weaker jack of all trades.
      As a person that enjoys the PvP scene as a support player I will be pretty upset if mystics will not be able to effectively heal their party in PvP situations compared to paladins. As they have to have at least one area where they can excel.
      Mystics can level up pretty fast, they don't have issues abour remaining alive, are good in pvp, and they are usefull in parties for their buffs.
      In hard dungeons you'll probably need a paladin+mystic, and in common dungeons if the party knows mechanics you'll have more than enough with a mystic and you could also use 2 mystics if the party doesn't find a paladin and don't knowsmechanics. In raids they are really appreciate.

      So I don't think is fair for the paladin (who is slower in leveling with lower dps and buffs that last for a really shot time) that mystics (who already have healing over time habilities, 2 buff auras that can remain up all the time and other healing habilities) have the same fast healing power than paladins or the same dps than a mage or berserker that can not heal, if that is what you are implying.
      I don't think there is that much difference in level time between classes. Sure dps classes can kill mobs faster but there is also added recovery time for that benefit. You also have to keep in mind that healers and tanks have significantly easier time in queues than do dps due to the sheer number available. So the trade-off is definitely more equal in that regard.
    • Pentrep wrote:

      I don't think there is that much difference in level time between classes. Sure dps classes can kill mobs faster but there is also added recovery time for that benefit. You also have to keep in mind that healers and tanks have significantly easier time in queues than do dps due to the sheer number available. So the trade-off is definitely more equal in that regard.
      The difference in leveling time is not much cause in bless, as in other games, the time to achieve max level is kinda low but still exist dps difference and the other things I mencioned.
      Recovery time doesn't count when you can heal yourself better and faster with almost no mp cost.

      Also I forgot to mention than in RU mystics could sleep a group of mobs or players, mages could sleep (only to a single target) but developers deleted that skill from mage so if they keep it in mystics they will be really apreciate it in pvp events (even though I'm not sure if that skill should be kept as they deleted it from mages)
      So I think classes are kinda balanced as they are. If you give a mystic the same fast healing as a paladin I don't think anyone would choose a paladin cause they are not even close as good as guardian for tanking and for healing almost everyone would choose mystics cause their more dps, buff auras, nice looking skills, dot healing etc, and if you give them more dps close to a mage I'll chose mystic over mage cause i can heal myself and others. Mystics plague!!!
    • Sure dps classes can kill mobs faster but there is also added recovery time for that benefit.

      Except may be for Assassin, there is no downtime for dps class for killing mob

      mage/zerk/ranger can mostly instant kill any mobs and elites (I kill rhyno43 with only 2-3 skills)
    • Sarcastic wrote:

      Pentrep wrote:

      I don't think there is that much difference in level time between classes. Sure dps classes can kill mobs faster but there is also added recovery time for that benefit. You also have to keep in mind that healers and tanks have significantly easier time in queues than do dps due to the sheer number available. So the trade-off is definitely more equal in that regard.
      The difference in leveling time is not much cause in bless, as in other games, the time to achieve max level is kinda low but still exist dps difference and the other things I mencioned.Recovery time doesn't count when you can heal yourself better and faster with almost no mp cost.

      Also I forgot to mention than in RU mystics could sleep a group of mobs or players, mages could sleep (only to a single target) but developers deleted that skill from mage so if they keep it in mystics they will be really apreciate it in pvp events (even though I'm not sure if that skill should be kept as they deleted it from mages)
      So I think classes are kinda balanced as they are. If you give a mystic the same fast healing as a paladin I don't think anyone would choose a paladin cause they are not even close as good as guardian for tanking and for healing almost everyone would choose mystics cause their more dps, buff auras, nice looking skills, dot healing etc, and if you give them more dps close to a mage I'll chose mystic over mage cause i can heal myself and others. Mystics plague!!!
      This is true but my point is there won't be much difference in leveling time. Tanks and healers can offset the time leveling in short dungeon queues, assuming dungeons are good XP. Recovery might not be an option but I know many DPS will have issue with queues, at least initially. It will even out eventually but they are going to have to implement something for people to do the earlier dungeons since currently there is no real incentive to do them beyond the initial quest and level/gear curve.
    • Pentrep wrote:

      This is true but my point is there won't be much difference in leveling time. Tanks and healers can offset the time leveling in short dungeon queues, assuming dungeons are good XP. Recovery might not be an option but I know many DPS will have issue with queues, at least initially. It will even out eventually but they are going to have to implement something for people to do the earlier dungeons since currently there is no real incentive to do them beyond the initial quest and level/gear curve.
      It could be, but I think there are other ways to level up. Anyway, the point was to try to explain why is a risky thing to improve mystic too much.
      Leveling in dungeons for mystics maybe won't be and issue cause they are healers in queues most of the time, but if they are a little less more wanted than paladin in 5 people common dungeons I think they can not complain for the many points I said before.