Surprised Steam didn't drop Bless after the refunds.
Fairly sure the reason May 30th launch was delayed was due to negotiations between Valve & Neowiz, and whether they would even be allowed to launch on Steam.
Surprised Steam didn't drop Bless after the refunds.
Fairly sure the reason May 30th launch was delayed was due to negotiations between Valve & Neowiz, and whether they would even be allowed to launch on Steam.
LazyPeon is an idiot. He has no opinions of his own and won't stand up for what he says. However, in this case he was completely right.
There is already rampant gold selling. There's no reason to keep p2p trading off.
Incredibly happy the the developers are acknowledging the problems and resolving them
They acknowledged 2 out of the 15 glaring problems with the game. And they clearly have no idea how to stop/fix duping.
Please don't fall for this lazy public relations. If $15 is enough to make you forgive Neowiz, then you aren't paying attention.
This is good to see. I originally planned on buying tomorrow, but watching some content creators playing worried me to the point that I decided to wait. After seeing they are actually acknowledging their short comings, I'm leaning towards giving it a shot.
This is not main reason, why people dislike this game. This game is failure, because they didn't solve OLD problems from OTHER three regions. Optimalization is still terrible, camera is tragic, translation is bad, UI is very cheap and with 0 freedom, action combat is gone (but they showed us nice videos...). These your "early" problems are many years old. How many years we will waiting for fix....again. They sold OLD version and only changed title to WEST. In the end we paid full price for "beta" version.
At this point anyone who says "I'm having fun" or "I like this game" must be REALLY bored (and also not level 45).
I've always had a problem with the monetization structure of Bless, but I never would've thought it would be an unplayable mess.
Everyone here is disappointed, I'm sure. We all (almost) got scammed together. Glad to get my refund in! I hope you all do the same.
Display MoreJeff you are one of the few (MMORPG) gamers that has made any sense on this forum. In Response to your various posts:
I too have played WoW since Vanilla and have attended BlizzCon(s). During BC and WoLK my raid guild was US ranked top 80+. My brother worked for Blizz North many years ago; I got to know some of the original staff. You are correct: There is no remaining development staff with any true talent. Since the last shining bastion of Development - Chris Metzen left, what little that remains of WoW is retarded easy and boring "Bleh" with absolutely no hopes to recover or keep the game barely playable.
According to a "fare-well" Pod Cast from Christ Metzen, Titan was closed down due to lack of progress, continuous bickering between development teams; those with tenure VS the newer/younger development team as well as the over all concept of the game not "feeling fun".
I was wise not to purchase Bless Early Access as history has repeatedly demonstrated that "Game Development" teams masquerade as or are in reality stingy passionless Marketing/Share holders who wisely balance bling, bells & whistles, "oh so shiny" along with other ill conceived pathetic attempts working on the average young players addictive nature only to recoup any development or porting monies spent as early as possible - knowing all well the game will most likely only survive a maximum 6 months.
Within the last 6 + years Newly developed or launched or ported MMORPGs have been nothing more than hyped up, PTW, flimsy, disposable, lore-less pieces of poo that completely & utterly lack imagination.
Of course like many, I want to believe the Next MMORPG (Bless in this case) would/will break this mold.
I am still uncertain if I should purchase the game...
I played for two hours and refunded.
My brother's friend has an extra copy from buying the $150 version that he was going to give me for free. I'm still torn on whether to play Bless *FOR FREE*... if that tells you anything.
The monetization is a god damn joke. That's my biggest problem. This game nickel and dimes you as if it was a free to play mobile game.
Want to teleport to a dungeon? PAY REAL MONEY.
Want to revive on the spot? PAY REAL MONEY.
Want to reset your skills? PAY REAL MONEY.
On top of the infinite other problems the game has. Bless is so bad that even Reddit is refunding LOL
No games is perfect at launch, WoW still has huge issues every time they release an expansion.
The Bless team are working as good as they can and give us frequent updates about all issues.
The game launched four years ago, and hasn't improved since then. Why do you think it will magically improve now?
Display Moreby in depth, im talking about combat system, different boses, skills for each vharacter you gotta learn and more.
its not in eglish? get your eyeballs checked bud
i think 20fps is acceptable for a early acess game, dayz is early access had horrible optimization few years later its good.
all in all aslong as the devs fix what is wrong and listen to feedback not trolls like you game has potential.
1-2-3 and learning skills is in depth..? Your standards are incredibly low.
The English in Bless is almost as bad as the English in your post.
20 fps is not acceptable for any game, early access or otherwise.
The devs won't fix what's wrong. They had four years to fix core problems with the game/engine, and they didn't.
Either way, Bless will be forgotten in a week. The devs won't fix any problems, everyone will quit, and you will have extreme buyers remorse. Screenshot this post for when that happens
You will NEVER get compensation. Ever. Neowiz doesn't care about the players at all.
Refund while you still have the chance.
And your willingly becoming part of a hive mind, with the streamers blasting the game. this game aint for snowflakes, it aint EasyScape. game has in depth leveling system, combat mechanics, skills etc you gotta learn the game.
You seriously expected to keep the skins from the membership benefits? lol.... called membership for reason buddy.
i have gtx1080 32gigs ram 4.2processor. still getting fps drops to 20 i aint complaining the drop doesnt effect gameplay for me unless it drops to 5 or 10
Sorry, a main story quest and hunting side quests is in depth? By your logic FFXIV must be the most advanced and complicated game of all time.
How am I supposed to learn the game when it's not even in English?
Excuse me? You think 20 fps is acceptable for a PC game in 2018? I can't remember the last game I played that wasn't >144 fps (or, at the very minimum, 60-75).
What are your main criticisms?
Display MoreGame is far too unoptimized for me to play. I was getting around 60 fps in the world (with horrible screen tearing), but when I went to the first city it dropped to 15 fps. 100v100 pvp combat is going to be literally unplayable.
The horrible automatic translation makes the whole game feel cheap, and the voice acting is laughable.
Cash shop was just as greedy as I feared. Subscription skins disappear if you don't resub.
No action cam, and the combat I did was unresponsive and boring.
Its being blasted by every streamer, making it well known as a joke.
Oh, also the graphics look compareable to Aion, which was released 10 years ago. Pathetic...
You could just as well say that WoW is garbage and was made what 14 years ago? Your judging book by its cover rather than actually investing time and effort to play the game. I wonder how far did you get? Level 10 at most is my guess, and you dare to trash talk it after less than 2 hrs of game play. Go back to your filthy casual games were you belong mate
Ah yes, I forgot that after hitting level 20, the language patch is suddenly fixed, the optimization is magically better, etc.
Calling anyone else a casual is basically peak irony
Humm i reckon you will be forgotten in 24hrs
Ouch, you got me.
Why do you have a personal attachment to a company and game that has been out for 8 hours? You're willing to blindly defend it so much that you're resorting to personal attacks to anyone that points out flaws.
Almost like it's a cash grab, and the creators don't care about artistic integrity.
I've personally not been able to get on much either, got to level 14 so not too bad but server issues were expected, it's not worth refunding based on that.
Is one issue in particular enough to refund? Probably not.
Is five issues enough to refund? Eh... maybe...
What about ten glaring, gamebreaking issues? Yes. That is enough to refund. This is what Bless is at.
It's a good warning! Should refund while you still have the chance.
Display MoreMy guess is that its all come down to money.
Think about it. You spend money developing the game. It's finished. Now all you have to do is spend as less as possible and get it to make a profit.
If you're in a position where you want to prioritized saving money, then it would be smarter to put in a small server, and when that's server is max, just buy more to increase it. If you're paying for an amazing server right off the bat, then you're might be overpaying for it. But, by making the players suffer, you can calculated exactly how much server space you need, and this way, you will never over pay. Thus, saving money.
Or it could be because they had no pre-order, so they have no idea how the size is going to be. I honestly don't know either.
The money was already spent developing the game (four years ago) for Korea/Japan/Russia.
Porting the game for the west cost nothing, just look at the horrible translation, voice acting, and QA. Neowiz's ONLY expense were the servers themselves, and they couldn't even get that part right.
Jeff my friend is this just another revelation online?
The P2W isn't nearly as bad, but it will likely suffer the same fate... forgotten in one-two weeks.