Hello everyone!

      Hello everyone!

      I should introduce myself also since everyone did it, I suppose.Hello,my name is Daniel from Romania,22 years old and a young chemist/pharmacist/druggist (I suppose every word is correct depending on your zone) and a climber in holidays.What I like?I like a lot of things in life but from those I'll choose one being video games ,MMO's more exactly.Started playing MMO's since 2004 (Lineage 2 was my first MMO and what can I say?It was like a drug when I had free time,the community and the diversity made me love it from the first second of playing it).Lineage 2 was followed afterwards by WoW some random MMO's and TERA (I had high hopes in it....sadly).At the moment I play Diablo 3 and Dota 2 and in the following weeks I will return in WoW because I miss my Pandaren (i like furry things like pandas and white bengal tigers,first two favourites ,dont judge me :D ) and I want to play it again. Bless looks promising and I can't wait to create my first Pantera and explore the world. Nice too meet you all! :thumbsup:

      You must not fight too often with one enemy,or you will teach him all your art of war.
      Apologies for being such a late welcome. I have another name for you.. Apothecarist, haha it's fun being old sometimes.

      Royal Apothecary of Saint-Germain, it's beautiful. Have a look and see.

      Congratulations on a timeless profession. Good on you! Do you take an oath like a physician does? Hippocratic oath? The original version was worded so well, imho it never should have been changed. Welcome indeed. :)
      Hello,I like that name also,lol. :D We do take an oath(along with every other healthcarring professionals) but it's not obligatory for all and since it's has been changed from century to century we also do not take it in the presence of the gods(as in the old oath where we must swear to the gods) but before other people.I agree,the original version is beautifully written,I do like both anyway.

      PS:I like those awesome looking jars. :whistling:

      You must not fight too often with one enemy,or you will teach him all your art of war.