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<The Silent Rebellion> PVX guild Recruiting for KR and NA

    • <The Silent Rebellion> PVX guild Recruiting for KR and NA

      I ran a VERY succesful guild in Archeage and Bless is the next challenge i intend to take on. I personally have a heavy focus on PVP but i intend to choose a PVE director to organize the PVE aspect of the guild.

      Im simply skipping BDO and waiting for bless because i played enough BDO KR to know its not a game most people will play longer than a year tops. (over 5k hours)

      First i want to say this isn't going to be a boys club , its a family , with a common goal. We will not be one of those guilds that just gears up its officers and leader off the hard work of the common member. Every member is valued, every opinion matters. Yes the leadership will make a final call on things , but we will listen, ALWAYS.


      GM will be me of course , but i may select a co-GM

      Officers - I am heavy on delegation, Officers will be crucial to making this run smoothly. Recruitment , organizing events, Managing the website and forum etc.

      Veterans - The name of this role may change but this is the role you get to after showing your commitment to the guild , this rank will be first in line for loot if valuable drops from PVE are a thing in bless.

      Member - Your average member


      Im committed to giving a complete experience to my fellow guildies. I LOVE PVP , 80% of the time that is what ill be personally doing. BUT i will make sure someone is in place to make sure we have a steady stream of PVE content being done as well as any other non combat content.

      To be frank , i want to be feared as a PVP force , that doesnt mean you have to be the greatest PVPer. You only need to be willing to learn , improve , and have a good time. Im currently theorycrafting like hell on PVP tactics , but the game is not complete so its difficult to say.

      What i will say is in organized PVP events we wont just be charging at the enemy in random builds , doing random spells. We will figure out what works in large scale pvp and apply it with some room for individuality.

      Ive heard some talk of castle sieges , and territory war via Steparu. If this is the case holding territory will be a top priority for this guild.

      Overall it is probably better than you have SOME interest in PVP , even if you are a PVE focused player. Dont worry though we wont be forcing you to PVP every night if thats not your thing. Although we will have groups for PVP every single night.

      I strongly believe that even the most hardcore pvp person like myself needs some relaxing PVE to not get burnt out. This is why i identify as a PVX guild and not a Hardcore , noob pwning PVP guild. Balance in playstyle makes for a better experience.


      We will have a Enjin Site , completely designed and fleshed out to look top notch (im a graphic designer) with our own custom domain.

      For voice comms i am still partial to Teamspeak, Discord just doesn't do it for me. This is still up in the air and i am open to discussion. For now we may use discord until the guild gets bigger.

      What is our goal on KR:

      Simply put , we want to learn the ins and outs of the game to give us a leg up on the rest of our NA server. But I don't want to do too much and risk burn out of our players. Mostly just have fun learn and the most effecient ways to PVP , make money , craft , gear up. Not trying to be dominant on KR , we'll save that for NA :thumbup: :thumbup: :P

      Why should you join?

      Do you wan't to be in a great guild that will allow you to experience all the content at the highest level? Then this is the guild for you

      This is also an opportunity to get in on the ground floor , possibly become an officer and really help drive the direction of this guild. We are starting from square one , the rest of my friends are sticking with Archeage. Im ready to start this new chapter and look forward to having you with me.

      If youd like to join reply to this thread and we'll talk.