Posts by clang123

    • The mana consumption is not sufficient overtime in longer fights but using this guide has helped me. I just changed a little bit and I never run out of mana and keep 2 of my teleports at all times (which you need btw since they're your only iframes).

      So use the same build as shown. Start with Mixed Tactic. Buff yourself with Elemental Release and Disenchant. then it's 211 > switch stance > 222 > teleport once > spam 1 five times and then 133 > switch stance > 111 > Disenchant > 211 > switch stance > 222 > teleport once > spam 1 five times and then 133 > switch stance > 111 > Elemental Release and Disenchant > Repeat

      I did this for like 30 minutes straight and my mana never goes below 50%, you always keep getting it back to full. You're utilizing your Disenchant for the 6th chain of Flame tactic's Fiery Explosion. You also utilize the Flame Tactic's switch effect (32% critical hit rate) and get the 6th chain bonus on Mixed tactic's Fiery Explosion. I know it seems like you're wasting your damage by spamming 1 but you're not cuz all of your other damage are consistently high with two nukes. You're also doing that to buy time for Disenchant to be ready and mana regen. Remember the 3rd-4th chain timer is really fast so you have react quick.

        • I think I have read or watched somewhere that it is currently a bug making it character bound and it is meant to be account wide. Also the same place said they were working on it.

          I am an avid lurker, so I couldn't tell you exactly where I have read/watched it.

          I really hope they would either fix the lumena, or make an account chest of some sort, even if it was just for cosmetics.

          It's not a bug. It's intended. That's how it works in JP also. The reason is because you can exchange dungeon/combat points for lumena, you could farm that on all your characters and keep the exchanged lumena as account wide. Some tryhards might also keep making alts to 30 for free 50 lumena.