Posts by Surrender

    • This article refers to people who where using the instant refund option which can(will) get you into a lot of trouble.

      PayPal has 2 options.

      1: Instant refund:

      - After your payment you have a certain amount of time to request a instant refund. You do not have to provide any proof or reason why you refunded your payment. It's literally click on a button and you get your money back. What happens afterwards depends on the company. They could fuck you up big time if they want to.

      2: Request a refund via PP:
      - 6~ months after your payment the only way to get your money back is to request a refund via PayPal. That means that you will have to send a letter to paypal and provide them with enough proof that company XYZ did something illegal/against ToS. PayPal will then contact company XYZ which usually takes around 4-6 weeks. If PayPal manages to get your money back then the refund was confirmed by company XYZ.

      As long as you use option 2 you're never going to have any problems, unlike option 1 where you could end up in court if company XYZ decides to sue you.

        • There was huge drama in BDO and many ppl requested a refund, this is the template most of my guild mates used back then and it worked just fine:

            • You can but they can also pursue you legally if you do that. I think BDO used to do that.

              I actually refunded over 2.5k usd in bdo after they implemented cash to in-game currency. Half my guild refunded everything that day. It took around 4 weeks for paypal to get every single penny back legally.

              Kakao games said many times on there official forums/website that there is not going to be any form of pay2win in BDO, by implementing cash to in-game currency you as a customer had all the rights to refund the money you've spend on the game. Every single one of my guild mates got back the money they've spend.

              Obviously it's illegal to "instant" refund without proof, but as long as you provide actual proof to paypal that the company lied or did something illegal/against ToS they will most likely always get your money back.

                • I Do understand that no game can be perfectly balanced however, i am hoping that this game lets every class have a spot for competitive play. that beingim hoping that every class is made viable and if you know your class you can excel and do well. that's all i ask and form the sound of what you've told me Tycon The PvP in this game sounds very promising. I look forward to when This game comes out.

                  Back when i played Bless every single class was viable in 3v3 arena. Same goes for mass PvP.

                  At the end of the day Bless is not a pure action combat MMO like for example BDO which makes it a lot easier to balance classes. BDO is the best example of bad balance when it comes to mass PvP due to the fact that a 100% action combat MMO is all about AoE spam2win.