Posts by Blueberry

    • Hi, welcome! Enjoy the community ! I'm sure you'll be able to find a nice guild with all the options coming up. :thumbsup:

        • You should check your lore better. From what I gather, Hieron are the conquerors, while Union are just people who want to be free and don't wish to be ruled by an auto-proclaimed empire. Plus they are the directly related to their Lumen ancestors. Which Hieron also claims, because their ruler was Lumen. The Aqua Elves, where expelled from their North community because they wanted to save their queen n matter what. And so they did, but their lifetimes deteriorated and know they want to find a cure to the problem they decided to create for their species for the greater good. Its not about a Holy Faction vs a Dark Faction like Aion. Its about Monarchy vs Democracy .

          This is my vision on the lore, I'm sure more people will have their own. Plus a lot of lore hasn't been published and translated. 8o

            • To me, it's this kind of changes that made Bless JP a bit less enjoyable to me. I think KR Rebuild had a good balance for the taming, although the number of companions one could have at higher levels were insane (200+).

              Isn't +200 good though? I mean, in the long term, the map and content will expand and having a lot of slots means they won't need to update the system when it comes to pet/mounts/... slots right? :thumbsup:

                • If, one day, I use an EXP boost, it would be because I'm making my third+ character and the first ones are already at max level, and I wouldn't want to play for weeks/months (because I usually don't play alot, mostly because of college these days) to get another character to play with my friends in late-game.

                  I mean it takes around 30 to 40hours to max level a character even if you only played 2 hours each day it would take you what?... Less than a month? If you play 2 weekends straight, with sleeping and all, you can make it. I don't think there is an actual need for exp boosts, but even if there is such an item, I think most people with good sense won't even think about wasting their currency in such a useless item in this game. :huh: I don't think exp boosts would be abused if you put it into context. Even Major PvP Hardcore guilds have nothing to gain with this cause if they start harassing players while leveling, most people will just use the PvE item they can freely use until they reach lvl 44 and get on with it. :S

                    • Well, welcome first of all. Its gonna be a B2P game.

                      Positives you want: The story is good, unique to each race; you do have a Pet system and a PvE immunity item.

                      Negatives you don't want: You can only have 2 professions - one main and one secondary - you need to alts to do all professions. You can forget about end game as a solo player cause the later dungeons, raids, and end gear can mostly be obtained in those raids or dungeons that require a group and a strategic plan in some cases, because the difficulty is pretty high even with a well put together group.

                      It's good you asked. Its better to see if you'll like a game according to what it is rather than buy it and then complain non stop about something that was stated as it is. :thumbsup:

                        • Yes, the possibility is there.
                          I'm not sure, but I think dungeons and raids in Bless don't give Epic/Legendary gear: You need to upgrade them.

                          All gears needs upgrades including legendary but it is true the legendary weapons are drooped in massive raids and large player group dungeons. Some legendary items can also be crafted but doing it is incredibly difficult, from what I gathered. Plus weapons aren't craftable in this game. I don't know where or when you saw legendary sold but it does seem pretty rare to come up on the AH @Pentrep . :huh:

                          I would also like to adress something I saw on the forums a lot lately : CShop pet bufs, even if you don't buy them pets give buffs no matter what, more or less luck in getting the ones you want, they are there, plus the CS currency is gained in game and it doesn't seem very hard to obtain, so it possibly won't be a problem to get scrolls to change the pet buffs,etc even if you don't buy currency. I say its best to wait for EA, see if the CS needs value adjustments and then discuss if the price of those items is really unfair. :/

                            • Hey, welcome! Aqua elf also look interesting to me, but I'll play Amistad as a berserker. Keep lurking and welcome to the community!

                                • From what I saw until now the number of pet/mount slots is limited. Having that in mind, there is so many optional taming content I would like to propose the additional item to be available for buying - Pet/Mount Available Slot Spaces.

                                  I don't think it would be hard to implement in terms of game play I don't think it would interfere, since taming scrolls are still necessary and only being able to have 1 pet out of the bag at a time would remain the same. :huh:

                                  I just like the idea of someone having the complete list of pets available in the game if so they wish. :thumbsup:

                                  Edit: To clarify I meant to augment the number of pets you can tame and own.

                                    • After I got a bit better informed I don't feel like I have to worry about the cash shop of Bless if they maintain the same as in Korea or Japan. It seems pretty stable and mostly cosmetics. the currency can be won ingame and also bought.
                                      Well, right now I'm more worried about other systems in the game and how they will be implemented in EU/NA

                                        • For the Union! :go:

                                          Welcome! I'll play as a Amistad Berserker. Thinking on joining the early access ranks or gonna wait for a bit?