Posts by StoneCold
I started a website for the Bless Online server merge, you may visit it if you play the Union Faction and are in Hilan Server after the merge, please help us get more united on the front for defending the world against the evil and corrupted Heiron Faction! FOR THE UNION!
check it out it was for habicht server but i moved and edited the site
if you have any graphic arts knowldge and css hit me up for a good looking theme idea, or just wanna chat add me on steam below:
wiley17402 (STEAM LINK)
thanks for reading and hope to see you at the hilan union community site
stay strong and unite
for the UNION!
what is herion mean ? union you get united from that and unity , same difference why not unite rather then "hire"on someone to kill and do the dirty work
bring it heiron
yes the "white and blue circle in the inventory (IS THE basic "hearth STONE" ) for this game just talk to oiler (GUIDE OF FATE ) I think < in the town you want to use as a bind point , then say yes i wanna recall here / retrurn here , then you will be set the cooldown is 25-30 mins on the item , i put mine in spezia as i am union /neutral
wink wink
totally agree lumines should be account wide!
See, that's the thing, today I crafted and dismantled about 150 green rings and necklaces (collectively) and not one dropped. Do they have to be over a certain level or something?
i would say it is due to RNG tho i got 6 out of 25 dismantled lvl 14-20 greens , and necklaces have more of a chance at lvl 14 then rings , to drop the specified item , good luck in dismantling the rest of the game , sorry to say 150 green rings i wouldget about 3-5 honestly maybe more imo. may the dismantling god be with you in the future
what map are the Kobold elites please. it is written that it drops from elites mobs. Okay. Which one? The game has hundreds of them. They are all?
the kobold elites are in the 37 dungeon on union side (THAT I KNOW OF ) not sure about herion
Man I had 200h game time, I know turban, No way 2k gold farm from turban.
no idea then
troll less i can take humor but your FACTS are billigernt sarcasam is just trolling sorry to say your not repping the game you are exposing how inedaquate the game is i love most of the features in this game but you sir are sarcastic and i dont like your tone*, here is why the facts are not facts
the "random 5% bg (battleground ) aka war is queued at certain times if it does not go to start with in the hour upon able to queue up , after this it is just buggy at the moment not full or not a minimum number of players on each team i think needs 6-9 alteast per team 15v15 (MAX players)
that is just one illegatimate fact that you are a troll dont even know "BG" is called war , in this game this is not WoW we dont have BGs here sir we have WAR!
thanks for trying but i think you failed
farm raw materials from turbans , turbans are material dungeons , 3minute timers and get all you can , in 3 mins , they look like "gypsy" hats aka turbans , but are golden and few other colors , in world cant be zoomed out to far to see this on ground , 90 max FOV (field of view ) if edited ini then need 90 fov max to see these attractions ,
add fishing similar to taming , use fish for cooking / alchemy if seaweed, such things
trophys (Taxidermyfor housing if ever) of the hunts completed
tier 3 hunts,
photo mode , with ingame camera to take screen shots (and scrap book ) for ingame books and suck
anything anybody wants to add go ahead ,
Anyone got their founder items re-provided yet?
yes i did on june 14 after patch it wont show up in steam tho just check account inbox (NOT MAIL) at first then send like did before! good luck
Please merge this server to a middle populated one , habicht, with some reasonably populated one with out making any error or rerolling
actually shrug = /show off
Our guild is recruiting, come on bring out your inner legend
lvl 3 as of wed june 13, 2018 have about 20 people at the moment , casual for now tilll lvl 8 guildour discord is
for more information please add wiley17402 on steam as a friend,
(I am a guy in a blue shirt and headphones as my steam photo)
join here too if you like
good work devs on your patches and this report shows you are very understanding that mistakes were made from alll parties , players and deves , game company, thanks for being helpful and sorry you have to take all the whines, and complaints,
again i reinterate good work and thanks
from stonecold , habicht server union
and my alt bowmama same server /faction
i think from big "praying mantis'" in southern peninsula , a contested territory but not sure ,
i had 3 from doing the ANIMA of 10 quest given eggs +1 the 10 at one time , and got 11 pets , 3 were anima pieces ,
make egg in enchanting i think and take a lot of time , for 1-10 the higher obv more time ,
but it is a paid recipie for master enchanter worth i think 27 and some gold , at the enchanter "recipe" sale person ,
cant buy till you get master of it ,
forget what it takes , willl look later
yes dismantle the accessories like rings and necklaces of blue and green rarity