Posts by Alucard

    • Hi there, I don't know about Mage and Paladin but your information is incorrect about the Ranger. We cannot charge forever. In the video below, I did not let go off of the key at all and the game fire it for me. So there is a limit of how long it can be held after it is fully charge.

      However, you are right that Ranger are potato now :(

      See the video here:

      I don't think that ability was Snipe. Snipe will charge up to three times and can be maintained in such a fashion that cannot be countered-played to an extent. I don't have a video to show but one of my non stance ability allows me to block for 2-3 seconds after that, it releases and all the ranger has to do is hold it till the block goes on a 35 second cooldown even though I saw the ranger's animation for snipe and tried to counter their snipe with my block but they just held it till my ability went down. That ability hits hard, like 6k damage and I tried to block it knowing that but to no avail.

        • I'm aware that ranger is in a bit of a pickle as of 6/3/2018 but some of its abilities that can be charged can be held endlessly such as Snipe for example. There should be a limit to how long the charged ability can be held after its been fully charged obviously. The mage class when casting an ability, their movement should be hindered by 5-10% mainly due to some gap closers not stunning them in place and such gap closers can miss multiple times such as Guardian's gap closers followed by the float that can never reach. Paladin's holy explosion should cause some other effect other than knockback such as: Disorient, dizziness, stun mainly because the enemy(s) can quickly reengage at your teammate who your trying to heal. Secondly, paladin should be able to cast while moving such as the mage with some movement mitigation 5-10% movement debuff mainly due to the fact that one can be cc'ed in place and prevented from casting.

            • The resources should be increased 5-10x per resource node or implement more nodes to gather from and if not, decrease the resource requirement amount such as stones for making taming scrolls. I'm aware of this mini-game called Turban Brothers but I've have yet to encounter this mini-game since it's been out.